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Becoming More Than Your Average Guy

We all want to improve our lives. For you, that process can begin today.

Hopefully, the assessment in the last STEPS Journey Blog article (“Your Average Guy Assessment”) helped you figure out some areas to work on. But, the question then becomes: How do you take steps to improve your life? This article will give you some ideas and resources to do just that.

Because you are different than everyone else on earth.

You are not Carl (“Your Average Guy”) or Bill (“Not Your Average Guy”), the two men we met in the previous articles. And you can move forward on becoming more than your average guy.

Becoming More Than Your Average Guy

To become who you are meant to be, you should seek to address the 3 inter-related parts of you:

Spiritual: Involve God in the process for transformation to be possible. This means moving from a posture of control to surrender, from arrogance to humility, and from disobedience to repentance. 

Emotional: We all have issues, including you. You can better address them by moving from being compulsive to thoughtful, from denial to self-awareness, and from self-absorption to empathy.

Intellectual: Once in the right spiritual and emotional posture, it’s time to get to work. This will involve moving from being impulsive to thoughtful, shallow to deep, and reactive to intentional. 

Below are 10 areas of your life you have the potential to improve. Pick the ones you need to work on the most. Then, use the links to find additional articles that can help you move forward. 

1. Being intentional in your life

2. Work and vocation

3. Marriage and parenting

4. Friends and relationships

5. Habits and hobbies

6. Personal development 

7. Emotional well-being  

8. Spiritual growth

9. Service to others

10. Moving toward significance 

Life is a journey we take one step at a time. Hopefully, this series of articles will help you on your personal journey to becoming more than your average guy, starting today. God bless. 

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