Some people ask, “How am I supposed to believe in an invisible God?” My answer would be, “Who told you that he was invisible?” “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is
We have just endured one of the most vicious and controversial Presidential elections in history. Unfortunately, the two sides are not handling it well. One is happy, the other sad and angry, but mistakes are being made by both groups. Many people are not pausing to think through how to
Is finding purpose at work a realistic goal? For many of us, that aspiration seems hazy at best, and far-fetched most of the time. But in the last STEPS Journey Blog article, we saw that we can involve God in the workplace. And, by doing so, we can make progress
It took me a long time to even consider the notion of God in the workplace. In my late thirties, I started (sort of) getting more into the church thing. My work week would be busy, and Saturday was “do something fun” day, but I started looking forward to going
Virtually every family I know has issues and problems. They have had good lives and built happy families. Most would say that, overall, they have been very blessed. But, sometime in their forties or fifties, things started going downhill. Life is a journey, and there are peaks and valleys
Talking about the ‘practicality of spirituality’ sounds like an oxymoron. Practicality deals with facts rather than ideas, and spirituality is about the unseen aspects of faith. Does that make those terms contradictory? No, because people who follow a spiritual path can find practical benefits, and there are many clear facts
We are designed to live in relationship with others. Why don’t we always act that way? This comes less naturally to many men than for women. We have acquaintances, maybe even a few friends for golf or fishing. Too often, however, we don’t really share life with people. We keep
Acts of kindness, the ones that really matter, are anything but random. If something is random, that means it occurred by chance or without reason. But kindness is when we do something considerate–on purpose–to benefit someone other than ourselves. Or when God puts us in a situation and prompts us
Getting in touch with our feelings can be a good thing. As long as we don’t always trust them. Overall, self-awareness is a useful trait to develop, and paying attention to our emotions can be helpful. But, our feeling can sometimes lead us in the wrong direction. Our job
Most of us believe–deep inside–that a real man is supposed to be tough. We handle whatever comes our way, and we don’t need any help. We won’t give in, and never give up. We are strong and self-reliant, and careful not to let weakness or emotions show. Ever. That’s what
I’m about to speak bluntly to some–not all–of you. Frankly, you need to get over yourself. You need to stop thinking you can control everything. Recognize that you do, indeed, have issues that are creating problems in your life. Whatever life improvement steps you have been trying are not working.
In these modern times, selecting the right life improvement steps to take can be a challenge, because things are much different than they used to be. In early times, that awkward period we know of as being a teenager was not as big a part of people’s lives as it
Are you nearsighted? If so, your vision can be improved. But it’s up to you to seek treatment. Nearsightedness, called myopia, is when we only see things clearly when they are close up. Anything that is at a distance is blurred and hard to discern. Physical myopia can be
There seem to be problems with prayer. And, sometimes, I wonder how good I am at it. But I have a feeling that as long as we keep trying, it probably works out all right. And it’s an important topic, one worth thinking about. Talking to God, the Creator of
Righteousness is a trait we aspire to, and we normally think of ourselves as good people. But being human, we want what we want and–consciously or unconsciously–we do what we can to get it. We see our desires with perfect clarity yet seem to have myopia for the needs of
The toughest trial you ever faced may have been one of the most important times of your life. That period when you felt the most pain, the most alone, prepared you to help countless other people. That is what a crucible experience is all about. A crucible, literally, is a
Surrender is a last resort. It’s something one does when there is no other way out. The battle is lost and, in order to survive, surrender becomes the only choice. But when we lose that battle and finally give in, it can lead to our greatest triumph. You may be thinking
People throw out the word ‘transformation’ way too much, making it little more than jargon. Even me, at times. But it’s a lot easier to talk about transformation than it is to actually do it. That holds true in business, and also in our personal lives. After all, a transformation
If you could access life improvement information to find more peace, joy, and purpose–in the way most comfortable to you–by investing a few minutes of your time, would you do it? Because you can get started right now. I’ve gotten various versions of a question I am always glad to
If we have the heart to serve other people, we can do it anywhere. Even at work. Wait, that doesn’t sound right! Work is for, well, work. There are deadlines to meet, and results to drive, and competitors to beat out. And we have to do whatever we can to
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