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Organizational Wellness


Proven and practical training to increase the well-being, resilience,  and effectiveness of your people and prevent issues such as addiction.

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THE environment

There are massive gaps in the organizational programs available for mental health,
wellness, addiction, and leadership and employee development.

  • While there are many organizations who provide services to individuals related to recovery from addiction, there are almost none who focus significantly on prevention of these issues.
  • There are almost no providers who offer evidence-based workplace wellness programs.
  • Less than 10% of people with addiction or emotional issues get help, and programs are desperately needed to provide encouragement, safety, anonymity, and help.
  • In this industry, there are almost no programs which provide on-site, face-to-face consulting, seminars, and coaching to complement virtual digital education.
  • Many large companies have EAP programs which play a positive role and should be strongly encouraged. But less than 5% of employees on average utilize those programs.
  • Many smaller companies do not have EAP programs and may have no resources to provide assistance for employees with emotional, mental health, and addiction issues.
  • Executives and managers are people, and we all have issues. They may not have a source of confidential coaching or someone they can have transparent conversations with.
Workplace wellness


As well as improving the effectiveness of your people, our programs can help save lives, families, and careers.

Workplace Wellness Programs can reach more people more quickly since they are delivered as a company-sponsored program, and it will reach people who would likely not get resilience training otherwise. It will generally improve the lives of everyone involved, help create an effective work environment, and deliver a substantial ROI to the company.

  • Delivers training to enable employees to be effective at work, have better relationships, and achieve excellence.
    • Executives receive personal and leadership benefits and support a program that greatly helps their employees.
    • Managers get better at managing their teams effectively and receive training to become better leaders as well.
    • Employees learn a lifestyle that brings peace, satisfaction, and purpose and add more value to the organization.
  • Provides a significant ROI for companies. Workers with substance issues are: 33 percent less productive; twice as likely to miss work; nearly half of workers’ compensation claims; and 3 times more likely to use medical benefits.
  • This program helps retain the experience of good employees and proven leaders because less will leave the workforce.
  • Avoids possible issues with customers or suppliers and averts possible law suits.
  • Provides a valuable benefit program as an extra incentive for employees.
  • Increases morale by establishing a culture of trust and openness.
  • Prevents workplace problems before they impact other employees.
  • Helps save some employees’ career, their family, and perhaps their lives.


We deliver lifestyle training through seminars, webinars, and online education to enhance the well-being of your people and increase their personal effectiveness.

STEPS is a training, consulting, and coaching firm based in Birmingham, Alabama. We deliver integrated wellness education that includes lifestyle enhancement, addiction prevention, and organizational effectiveness. We are one of the only agencies in the country that combines these disciplines into practical techniques people really use. 

In an organization of 500 people, there are likely over 40 with alcohol issues, a similar number with depression, over 20 with a prescription pill problem, and many more with compulsive mental health issues or addictions.

Leadership is in a unique position to have a positive impact on these people’s lives, families, and careers by providing easy-to-access training as a service. At the same time, this helps prevent problems for everyone! STEPS makes it simple to get started with seminars, webinars, speaking engagements, and digital content that can be tailored to fit your organization’s needs. 

Topics for Speaking, Seminars, or Webinars

“What’s Missing From Wellness – Helping People and Organizations Thrive”

Today’s wellness programs have a massive gap in the benefits being provided because very little is being done to enhance practical life skills and prevent mental health and addiction issues.  Instead, organizations can choose to build a culture of trust, inclusion, compassion, resilience, and intentionality to prevent these healthcare problems before they happen. This provides significant benefits for the people, their families, and the organization all at the same time. This talk will educate and inspire leaders and employees to trust each other and live life better. 

“Next Right STEPS:
How to Live Life Better”

Steve Ward’s groundbreaking book of the same name provides a rich array of exciting, useful, and life-changing topics. We see how we can discover breakthroughs in our lives and learn to utilize our heart, soul, mind and strength as part of a continuous life improvement process. We find out about 5 universal values and 5 timeless truths that can change how we look at life and break the CHAINS holding us back. And we see how we can access a Tool Kit for Real Life to help us take practical steps forward.

“Making the LEAP – Discovering Breakthroughs in Your Life”

A “breakthrough” is a dramatic discovery or development that changes our life significantly for the better. Sometimes they come upon us unexpectedly, but we can find them more readily if we look for them. Too often, though, we are so busy that we forget that life is meant to be an adventure. We can reclaim that sense of wonder by searching for epiphanies—as well as treasures and miracles—and recognizing them as breakthroughs that can change our life in a way we would not have experienced otherwise. Life can become a journey of discovery!

“Proactive Parenting Overview – Equipping Kids for Real Life

Where do kids learn how to live “real life” effectively? This includes developing their social and emotional well-being, spiritual awareness, and personal excellence. This talk is on being proactive with kids, equipping and protecting pre-teens and teenagers, and offering practical “Real Life 101” education for older kids. It will help kids develop good relationships, a healthy sense of self, spiritual wisdom, and a focus on being the best they can be.  It will equip parents and educators to prepare young people for real life so they thrive rather than struggle.   

“How People and Families Can Improve Their Lives and Relationships”

This encouraging and practical presentation is a good fit for a casual “dinner talk” setting or as an on-stage keynote presentation. It features inspiration and useful techniques for: (a) effective family communication; (b) understanding what we do and do not control; (c) appreciating small opportunities for relationship; (d) repairing relationships and establishing boundaries; and (e) how we can better serve our family. 

“PACES for Parents – Protecting Teenagers from Substance Abuse”

Kids and teenagers face daunting challenges these days including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. Parents need to understand how addiction happens so they can build a plan to protect their kids against those dangers. They can learn to avoid the common mistakes many parents often make, find positive behaviors they can reinforce, and adopt proven parenting principles to help raise their kids well.




Look for epiphanies and determine your values. 



Prevent compulsive habits one step at a time.



Live intentionally
and on purpose.



Take personal steps
for spiritual growth.



Make thoughtful,
productive choices.


Our programs can include an introduction plus leadership and management
training that changes lives and improves families and organizations.

We offer a 1-hour overview presentation that can be delivered as a breakfast meeting, lunch and learn, or webinar. This session provides a summary of what lifestyle enhancement is all about, how compulsive issues such as addiction work, and what people can do to prevent them from getting worse. This is an ideal way for leadership to enhance the lives of their people.

Leadership and Management Training

Here are topics that can be integrated into the training for leadership, managers, and team leaders: 

  • You can make a difference in the lives of your people
    • Understanding the risk; realizing the depth and breadth of the problem
    • Building a culture that enhances mental health, safety, and vulnerability
    • The ROI of preventing issues; benefits; the vision of a resilient organization
  • Overview of addiction and introduction to wholeness
    • Summary of what addiction is and is not; depth of the issues; how it works
    • Defining addiction prevention: warning signs; how to prevent it; steps to take
    • Recognize problems, face issues, and build habits to move in the right direction
  • Increasing leadership effectiveness in the organization
    • Taking a holistic approach (emotional, personal, and spiritual)
    • Strengths of great leaders: judgment, balance, communication, process, service
    • Weaknesses of toxic leaders: control, pride, disempowering, perfectionist, self-serving
  • Designing an Organizational Wellness Program that fits the needs of your people
    • Establishing a recovery and mental health friendly organization; setting appropriate boundaries
    • Creating a culture of openness, empathy, trust, and accountability; how leaders model the way
    • Integrating the right information into an easy-to-access virtual curriculum for your organization