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Why Was Jesus Born?

Around Christmas, regular people actually talk about Jesus. Much more than they normally do. Kept within limits, it becomes almost politically correct, as long as the reference is offered in the holiday context of celebrating the birth of the baby Jesus.

For example, people talk about when Jesus was born. After all, that’s what Christmas is all about. Oddly, he was almost certainly not born on December 25, and scholars aren’t even sure of the exact year. 

Christmas stories exalt where Jesus was born. It was in Bethlehem, but we are not sure it was actually in a stable or not. It is possible that the manger could have been in a cave or a house.

Those when and where aspects of the birth of Jesus are interesting. But, they are not the most important question, the one many people don’t take enough time to examine: why was Jesus born?

The Critical Question

One of the most important questions in life often goes unasked and therefore remains unanswered or ignored: why was Jesus born?

With a God who is all-powerful and supernatural, mystery should be expected, and there will always be things we cannot understand. But what a gift God gave to mankind to allow himself to be known so intimately! And to offer us an eternity of companionship with him.

Why was Jesus born? He was born so we could live in connection with God. For eternity.

Why Was Jesus Born?

When I was a child, I casually believed the stories about Jesus that were told to me. But, as a young adult, there was a long time when I didn’t think about God much at all, and Jesus become one of those topics that regular people like me didn’t really talk about.

Later, I went through a period of spiritual questioning and learning. During this “Search for Truth” I read everything I could and documented what I found (which you can read at the four links above). Eventually, I reached the point where—intellectually—I knew everything about Jesus had to be true. But parts of me still resisted until there finally came a time when I understood, for sure, why Jesus was born.

He was born for me. And I know that to be true with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.

A search for truth is a journey that leads to a critical decision point. Do we continue pursuing a never-ending investigation, debating contrasting belief systems, or seeking morals hiding inside nice Christmas stories? Or do we answer the most important question of all.

Why was Jesus born? He was born for you.

Question: What is your answer to, “Why was Jesus born?”

Action: Take time this Christmas to truly enjoy the season.

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