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Life Improvement Steps for Modern Times

In these modern times, selecting the right life improvement steps to take can be a challenge, because things are much different than they used to be.

In early times, that awkward period we know of as being a teenager was not as big a part of people’s lives as it is now. Most started working at a younger age and got married earlier. Life was simpler, and there were less dangers confronting youth from addictive substances. 

old fashioned photo

The period known as retirement has also changed, primarily due to the fact that people live longer now. Many used to be employed until a few years before they died, but now there are often decades of time still available when they stop working.  

In between, there is more change and choice than ever before. People are busy, and distracted. The incredible wealth of information is often confusing rather than calming.

And postmodern thinking is trying to make God irrelevant. In these times, there are no absolute moral or spiritual principles, and everything is relative. God is whatever people want him to be.

Welcome to the new normal.

We All Have Issues

In today’s world, millions of people are anxious or depressed on a regular basis, although they hide it from others. Many are addicted to work or anger or control or spending or people-pleasing or codependency or something else, and they often don’t even realize they have a problem.

Even the most “normal” of people have hidden compulsions. They eat too much, drink more than they should, or numb themselves with television or the internet. Worry, insecurity, and procrastination are more prevalent than serenity in today’s world.

people in recovery photoPeople have different ways to cope with these issues. Some become self-help junkies who feel they can “work themselves out of their slump.” Others misuse spirituality and, instead, become blinded by hypocritical religiosity. Many are so busy trying to get by that they rarely take time to think about feelings, how what they do affects others, or any deep matter at all.    

We all have issues. And we all want to find something more.

Welcome to the new normal.  

Life Improvement Steps

Life is more complicated, and pressures are higher than ever before. Addiction and compulsions are commonplace. Belief in God is the exception rather than the norm.

But underneath it all–unconsciously–you know there must be something more. You just aren’t sure how to find it or what steps to take to get there from here.

In these modern time, what life improvement steps should you take?

Maybe you’re a self-improvement type, and you suspect there’s more to life than what you’ve found so far. You’re right, there is. Your life and your choices are still up to you, and you can find purpose even in today’s modern world. Rising above daily distractions and bad habits may be a struggle, but living a meaningful life is within your grasp.

Your road could be a spiritual one. Even if life kept you distracted so you never figured out the God thing. Even if the Bible and church seem boring and irrelevant to you. Because, inside, you know there is something out there bigger than you, and that you are here on earth for a purpose. What you need is a spiritual path that starts where you are and helps you take steps toward God.  

It could be that a recovery journey is right for you, especially if you have been ignoring the concerns and problems that keep nagging at you. By avoiding your issues, perhaps you never figured out how to address them. Now, you’re scared that, at some point, those issues might take over. You wonder if you’re different from everyone else, but you’re not. We all have issues.

No matter where you are, by taking the right life improvement steps, you can find faith and courage for today’s modern world. You can uncover the humility to face up to your wrongs and develop a new forgiveness for others. By building a relationship with God, you can discover new meaning in life, and find purpose serving the people around you.

Even in these modern times, life can still be good. And it’s okay if you have issues, because we all do. The key is finding the right life improvement steps to take. Then, taking the first one.    

Welcome to your new normal.

Question: In the section on Life Improvement Steps above, which paragraph best describes you?

Action: Go to and take the next step on your new journey.  


Photo by Artistic-touches Photo by Andrew Bartram (WarboysSnapper) Photo by Internet Archive Book Images

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