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The Christmas season is a time of giving. And in this one STEPS Journey Blog article, you can … Get a gift – Free access to 89 useful articles on a wide variety of valuable topics. Get a deal – Big discounts on the book STEPS: A Daily Journey to

In this season of your life, are you feeling whole? Or broken? Something that is “whole” is complete, with all its interrelated parts working together as designed. God created each of us to be whole, so our life feels lacking when that is not the case. Opposites of “whole” are words such as: incomplete, impaired,

Many people­—and most business leaders—don’t pay much attention to their emotions. If they do, it’s in a negative sense as they try to take all emotion out of what they do. But, there is a problem with that approach: You can’t do it! Because emotions are an integral part of

When a person we love is dying, we seem to see things more clearly.  We can learn a lot from those times. I wonder: Does the passing of someone crack open the door to heaven and allow God’s light to spill out, making it easier for us to see for

Guys normally know what they do, but don’t think much about why they do those things. This article is for those guys. To help them get more in touch with what’s going on below the surface. And to better understand why guys do what they do.   If that is

If you were serving a life sentence in jail, what would a pardon feel like? Right now, you may be in prison and not even know it. Many of us have spent so much time living in shame—a penitentiary of our own construction—that we don’t realize the freedom we are

You may be very successful now.  You could have a great job and family. At work, you may be good at what you do and have advanced well at your company. Perhaps, you make a lot of money, and people look up to you.  But, maybe you don’t know what

This article suggests ways you can avoid thinking about God.     There are many people who work hard to ignore God. I know, because I was one of them for most of my life. I busied myself on other pursuits and avoided any deep thoughts or questions that might interfere

I didn’t spend much time thinking about God for most of my life. And I had lots of company, because the people I hung around, read about, and saw on television or in movies didn’t seem to think about God either. Not Thinking About God Looking back, it strikes me

Sometimes, doing the right thing can also deliver a great ROI. In Part 1 of this article, we talked about dealing with employees and co-workers as people, not just resources. And, since so many people in the workplace struggle with alcohol abuse, it makes sense for leaders to address those

If one of your employees had cancer, would you feel empathy and compassion for their situation, or blame them for being sick? If they had some other life-threatening disease, would you help them get treatment, or tell them the illness was their fault and walk away? What would you do

Whether you are an executive, manager, or team member, one of your roles is as a leader. The key question is: what kind of leader will you be? Which leads to an even more critical dilemma: what type of person will you become? The Difference Between Good and Great Good

This article is for people who are close to someone who has issues with alcohol. In other words, this is, very likely, for everyone. Whether you are aware of it or not, someone you know is weathering the storm of alcoholism. If you care for them, and want them to

Most of my life, I have been pretty happy. Work, family, friends, sports, and hobbies were enjoyable and, in many ways, even satisfying. On the surface, everything seemed fine, including to me. But, learning to go deeper was not on my agenda. If life was a swimming pool, I was

We all want to improve our lives. For you, that process can begin today. Hopefully, the assessment in the last STEPS Journey Blog article (“Your Average Guy Assessment”) helped you figure out some areas to work on. But, the question then becomes: How do you take steps to improve your

With a small investment of your time, you can begin to improve your life! You may be an average guy now, or you may not be average at all. Now is your opportunity to find out, to assess how you are living, and to begin to improve your life one

This is a true story. (If you choose it to be.) There are lots of men out there, but Bill is not your average guy. Bill has decided to live intentionally. That involves a focus on both faith and purpose, trusting God in all things, and then doing his best,

This is a fictional story. (Or is it?) Carl is just your average guy. As a normal, middle-aged businessman, he doesn’t think about life very much. Therefore, he doesn’t realize that his entire existence is made up of—and, in fact, confined to—four compartments: work, family, hobbies, and “me time.” The

If you heard about a book with life improvement principles that were simple, and not especially unique, would you read it? What if it sold more than 25 million copies? In 40 languages? The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey was named by Forbes as one of

This article was written and published by Richard E. Simmons, III of The Center for Executive Leadership. It is being featured here as a “guest post” on the STEPS Journey Blog. Someone you know is ill, and you may not even be aware of it. Amazingly, they may not be