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What do you think when you see someone in the armed forces walking through an airport? It makes an impact on me, and sometimes I pause to wonder about their story. Perhaps they are embarking on a journey that will put them in harm’s way, with their mission being to

We all want perfection, right? But is it realistic to aim for perfection? Is it even desirable? Setting high goals does help us strive toward excellence, and it honors God when we do our best with the talents and resources we have been given. Even using perfection as a measuring

Do you care about empathy? (Hint: Yes, this is a trick question.) Before you answer, consider how you unconsciously think about the word “empathy.” Does it seem like “touchy feely” emotional talk to you? Or, do you see it as an integral component of the person you are supposed to

You may be mistaken about your mistakes. Many of us think that when we do something wrong we become less of a person. Our pride kicks in because, whether we realize it or not, we define ourselves by what other people think of us. Or, we subconsciously drive ourselves to

In today’s self-reliant, never-give-in world we are taught that surrender is something to avoid at all costs. Stick up for your rights. Don’t go down without a fight. Winston Churchill’s words ring valiantly in our ears: “Never, never, never give up” and “We shall never surrender.” Paradoxically, though, sometimes the

Building a life plan is something many of us think about but do not get around to actually doing. Many people spend more time planning their vacations than their life. But we only get one lifetime, so we need to establish wise priorities to guide us along the way. God

Many people travel through life in a fog of pragmatic self-delusion. Don’t go down that path. Instead, embrace a process of self-awareness and learn to be truly honest with yourself, even if for the very first time. You will find relief, even freedom, as you let go of negative feelings

My sister used to live in Birmingham, and I live in Atlanta. One time a few years ago, I gave her a call to wish her happy birthday. A few days later, we talked again, and I asked her how her birthday turned out. She told me that she had

One night last week I was at home and feeling tired. I also knew that I had to work on paying bills later that night, and that always brings me down. Plus, money has been really tight lately, and I was worried about making it to the next paycheck without

Many people underestimate the contribution they can make to the world and to the people around them. They don’t realize or understand God has built into them a need for purpose, something more important and invigorating than a humdrum day-to-day existence. They may not normally think of themselves as someone

Progress will help us apply principles from each of the five STEPS on a regular basis. The goal is to establish positive daily habits to keep us moving in the right direction. Our daily habits dictate much of what gets done, or not done, in our life. Our journey is

In the step of Empathy we discuss forgiveness and building effective relationships. We will learn to connect with other people in a way that is focused on their needs, not on ulterior selfish motives of our own. We will be challenged to reach beyond our own desires and see the world