Do you feel you always know exactly what God wants you to do in every situation? If so, I wish you would tell me how you do it, because I often have to really work at it. I believe God is sovereign, and I trust him to know what is
I used to believe we had a God of clarity. Which meant that if God wanted us to do something, he would make it absolutely clear to us what that something was. I don’t believe that anymore. I want to follow God’s will, but sometimes that seems hard to do.
I don’t understand why it has to be this way. And I don’t know the reasons God chooses to let so many bad things happen to people. I just want to have peace in my life. And I want my family and friends to find peace also. Even when they
We all want to find our way—our place, our purpose—and try to figure out the meaning of life. Even if we aren’t aware that we are searching. Looking back, I believe I was searching for my way for many years without knowing it. I thought I was just living. But,
Ineffective leadership may be slowly poisoning your organization. And you may not even be aware of it. Imagine an organization where the best employees regularly leave. Those who stay spend too much time on non-critical tasks. They don’t look forward to coming to work and are eager to flee the
In the next five minutes, you can take a big step toward becoming a better leader. Start by imagining an organization where every member or employee is united by a shared vision. Each one understands their role and has what they need to do their job effectively, yet also has
In business, there are great leaders who can motivate and enable their teams to succeed, even when faced with daunting goals or under adversity. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” (John Quincy Adams) And there are some
We all have an inner voice that whispers to us. What does your voice say? Only recently have I become aware of some things my inner voice has been saying to me for much of my life. One thing in particular has been a recurring theme: “Don’t do anything stupid!” So I
If we follow the five STEPS, we will improve our life and grow closer to God. But our life–past, present, and future–can only become what it is truly meant to be when we are taking steps with Jesus. As we do, life can become a wonderful adventure as we find
We each have the same amount of life left available to us—the rest. The question is, what are we going to do with it? And do we have a plan? As we look forward, we don’t have to take on the burden to change the world. In fact, God doesn’t
Imagine you are in a receiving line, with many people slowing streaming by. Each reaches out with a warm handshake and a smile, or bends over to give you a deep hug. They are all there to acknowledge someone who has made a difference in their lives. In every case,
In this world we will have trouble. We will face trials that bring suffering, fear, and dismay. Often, we may not understand what is going on and wonder why it is happening to us, and at times all may seem dark. Every one of us will face trials in life;
What is one daily habit that could improve your life? Most of us can answer that question quickly, often with multiple ideas. Which tells us there is room for improvement in how we go about our daily routine. And reminds us that our daily habits dictate much of what gets
Some people naturally deal with others in a kind, understanding manner. This type person shows they are truly interested in those around them. They want to understand what others are going through, and how people are feeling really matters to them. I wish I was more like that, but I’m
Each of us has the ability to improve our lives. But why is it so hard for us to change? One daunting aspect of the human condition is that we can go years, sometimes a lifetime, and repeatedly choose to not make positive changes in our lives that we know
Your decisions and actions affect what happens in your life. More often than not, good choices lead to positive results, and bad choices lead to problems. But many other factors also influence those outcomes, and a lot of those things are beyond our ability to control. So, what are we
It might be a guy thing, or maybe it’s just me. But I’ve always wondered what it would have been like to have been a soldier in combat. Would I have been willing to pay the cost of sacrifice? How would I have handled the inevitable fear? Would I have
Have you ever wondered if you were going about life in the most effective way? Because you can take steps to improve your quality of living, starting today. How is that? You have life-changing potential at your fingertips by becoming intentional about how you approach each day. Intentional living is based on
Earlier this week, I found myself sitting silently—literally, emotionally, spiritually—in front of my laptop and staring at the keyboard, not knowing what to type. Eventually the words came, each of them harder than the ones before … “I am very sorry to hear about the cancer.” I didn’t make it
Would you like to find more peace, joy, and purpose in your life? The good news is that you can! How do I know? I’ll start back at the beginning … A number of years ago, something relatively simple happened that changed my life. It started one morning when I
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