Would you like to find more peace, joy, and purpose in your life? The good news is that you can! How do I know? I’ll start back at the beginning … A number of years ago, something relatively simple happened that changed my life. It started one morning when I
What advice would you offer if you could talk to a younger you? I just decided to go to my high school reunion, the first one I’ve been to in twenty years. Almost immediately, a dusty collection of memories started popping into my mind, and soon I started thinking about
We all want to find more peace, joy, and purpose in our lives. Knowing what to do to achieve that goal is a challenge, but it is something we can learn. This is the third of four STEPS Journey Blog articles on “A Vaccine for Addiction.” In this series, we
Looking at where your current habits are taking you, why is change needed in your life? Think about it. Really think about it, because finding your Why is the key to change. In the last article, we learned there is a vaccine to protect us from addictions and negative habits,
What if there was a way to get immunized against addictions? And what if that same vaccination could protect us from negative issues and habits we all encounter? And also help us experience more peace, joy, and purpose each day? Is there anyone who wouldn’t want immunization against life’s problems?
We all have issues. Some people think they don’t, believing they have everything totally under control. But they’re wrong. How do I know? Because we’re all human. And all of us have issues–even if we haven’t recognized them yet. For this article, we will define an “issue” as something that has
We all have things we want to improve, but it’s daunting to consider changing something for THE REST OF OUR LIFE. But think what we could get done if we adjusted our perspective, if we focused on how to live one day at a time. Just for today I will
We all add to–or take away from– the lives of everyone we meet. All the time, whether we know it or not, we serve as an example for the people around us. That can exciting–or frightening. Deep inside, many of us don’t believe that we can have a positive influence
The most productive part of your day could be when you are doing the least. That concept doesn’t sit well with many of us, including me. I tend to believe I can figure out everything on my own, and that decisive action is the best way to get anything done.
Maybe we can all learn something from Johnny Manziel. Johnny Football, the former Heisman Trophy winner and quarterback for the Cleveland Browns, entered treatment this week for possible alcohol dependence. Now, all of a sudden, I find myself really rooting for him. At first, I was surprised by the virtually
There is an important life skill that many of us can improve. We know how to talk–but not how to have good conversation. So, why is this so important? When you love someone, how do you express it? Most often, it is through conversation. When you forgive, or show compassion
Are you a planner or a take-life-as-it-comes type person? Either way, there are things you can do to find your life calling. Establish a Life Plan God will lead us toward our calling, and it’s okay for us to use the capabilities he gave us to plan our direction as
One of the most critical variables in your life is what you do with what you are given―good or bad. There is more than one way to find your life calling, and we’ll talk about two more techniques here. How you handle talents you are given and the trials you
You can find your calling, and by so doing discover what you are meant to do with your life. You could unearth a previously unrealized direction, or you may find a project that adds new purpose to your life. Or you might discover that your search for calling becomes a
Your life is the sum of each of your days. Each and every day, you decide how to spend much of your time, and you select the thoughts and attitudes you will encourage. How will you live today? Plan A: Too early this morning, the alarm went off, and I
We all need hope. In fact, we yearn for it, though we sometimes don’t recognize what may be missing from our lives. In good times, the future seems bright for a while and worries retreat into the background. But when trials and troubles come, our optimistic outlook fades, and we
You are part of the STEPS Journey, simply by following the blog, sharing it with people you know, and getting the book for yourself and your friends. I humbly and sincerely appreciate your support. Now, it’s time to take the next steps in what I hope will be a life-long
What if you knew you could achieve your life purpose? What if you could do it today? Last Wednesday was my birthday, and it seems like those are coming faster and faster in recent years. My wife asked me if I had been thinking much about getting older. I considered
Can a book change your life? Yes, at least it can play a part in your journey of learning and growth. But there is a catch–you have to actually apply what you learned. Tens of billions of dollars are spent every year on books, education, and programs about self improvement,
You have a story. Are you willing to tell it? Our lives are a book filled with stories of the victories, setbacks, relationships, and special moments that we experience. When we convey those stories to others, often those people can identify with them and benefit from the life lessons we
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