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Something More than New Year’s Resolutions (alternate title: How to Find Your Life Calling: Part 4)

Are you a planner or a take-life-as-it-comes type person?

Either way, there are things you can do to find your life calling.

Establish a Life Plan

life plan photoGod will lead us toward our calling, and it’s okay for us to use the capabilities he gave us to plan our direction as well. One way is to build a life plan to help clarify where we are meant to go.

Building a life plan is a great way to become more intentional and focused about how you live. The critical step is getting started. See how in the article “How to Create a 1-Hour Life Plan.”

This process can help you find direction in your life by asking a series of 15 questions you answer over the course of an hour. For example, what comes to mind when you ask yourself:

  • What do I like to do, and what am I good at?
  • Where do I detect God’s involvement in my life?
  • What legacy will I leave, and what will be my eulogy?

Try it out.

Right now, spend a few minutes to capture answers to those 3 questions, and you may discover some interesting insights about your calling. Then, if you haven’t done so already, check out the article above to create your 1-hour life plan. 

#5 – Find your calling by establishing a life plan.

No pun intended, but a life plan should be a “living document.” It doesn’t do any good if you create it, set it aside, and don’t put it to use. Also, you should place a strong focus on identifying small steps you can take in the areas you identify. You can change your life, one step at a time.

Take the Next Right Step

one day at a time photoSometimes, a good way to find our calling is to stop looking for it so hard and then notice how God leads us toward it.

Another way to move toward our calling is by learning new life improvement steps we can take one day at a time and aiming for progress, not perfection. Psychology, behavioral science, and recovery all agree that taking small steps is one of the most powerful ways to transform our life.

Often, God reveals his purpose for us incrementally rather than all at once. Our job is to keep taking steps in the best direction we can discern. If we are obedient to what we are asked to do, more direction often follows, and we are drawn forward a step at a time.

You can learn to focus on taking the next right steps each day:

  1. Identify areas that are most important to pursue in the long term.
  2. Determine small, positive steps you can take in each area every day.
  3. Faithfully take those steps, trusting God to direct you along the way.

That is the premise of the book STEPS: A Daily Journey to a Better Life. Each day, you can take practical steps that will move you in the direction you should go.

#6 – Find your calling by taking the next right steps.

If you take small steps to live each day with purpose, you will move in the right direction, and God will continue to guide you along the way.


As each of us searches for the purpose God intends for us, our life can become an exciting journey of discovery. But it’s up to us to get started.

journey photo

If all of us would live that way, seeking and following our God-given calling on a regular basis, think what the world could be like …

Christian movements will rise and fall. Grand campaigns will be mounted and grand coalitions assembled. But all together such coordinated efforts will never match the influence of untold numbers of followers of Christ living out their callings faithfully across the vastness and complexity of modern society. (Os Guinness)

New Year’s resolutions are fine. But you are meant for something more. Surrender yourself to the wonderful adventure of finding the calling that God has for you.

If you do, the most exciting year of your life may very well become this one.

Question: What will you do to seek your calling this year?

Action: This blog series offered 6 things you can do to help find your calling. Pick 1 of them and build it into your life over the next few weeks.


Photo by Rafael Acorsi  Photo by photosteve101  Photo by marc falardeau  Photo by Melody Campbell

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