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Help, Healing, and Hope for All of Us

The STEPS mission is to deliver practical resources for hurting people to find help, healing, and hope. But rather than use the term “hurting people” in the title of this article, I went with a synonym instead: “All of us.” Because we’re all hurting at times, even if we don’t talk about it.

Below are some principles that can bring you help, healing, and hope if you’re hurting like the rest of us. Some of them may seem familiar or even simple to you, but much of the world’s most useful wisdom is just that: familiar and simple, but also profound and life-changing.


(All of Us and People We Know) 

God is good, and he is in control. I will let go of worry and trust him instead. 

It’s okay not to be okay, and that’s normal. But I don’t have to stay that way.

We all have issues. I’m not alone, and it helps to talk to someone about it. 

I don’t have to be perfect. Just keep making progress one step at a time.

God loves me unconditionally. He has a future for me, and I have hope. 

You can provide help, healing, and hope to hurting people you know simply by sharing this article with them. How do you know which of your family, friends, coworkers, and people you meet are hurting? It’s not that hard, because at one point or another, it’s all of us.

Here are some useful resources for follow-on reading on related topics:

Next Right Steps: Print this article and put it on your refrigerator as an ongoing reminder to bring you help, healing, and hope.

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