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The New Normal: Lives of Quiet Desperation

There is a new normal for what life is like for many people today, and it is important for you to understand. Because then you can do something about it. Research from the American Psychological Association, Gallup, and other sources shows that:

  • 8 in 10 Americans are stressed at times, and 44% feel stress frequently.
  • 54% of employees are not engaged at work; 14% are actively disengaged. 
  • Most people face sadness or frustration, and 1 in 10 struggle with depression. 
  • One of three families includes someone suffering from substance use disorder.

The new normal is that many people find more busy-ness and worry in their lives than purpose. For some, it may be a lack of connection to other people. Others are just generally disenchanted with how things are going: “Isn’t life supposed to be better than this?” 

Many of us also develop a secret habit that makes us feel better for a while. But then it makes us feel worse than we did before, which continues the downward spiral of compulsion and pain.

Lives of Quiet Desperation

But we hide our feelings from everyone. We put on a good face and act like nothing is wrong. When asked how things are going, we muster a smile and answer, “I’m fine, everything’s great.” Mostly, we don’t talk about our problems to anyone, at least not in a vulnerable manner. 

The mass of men (women) lead lives of quiet desperation. (Henry David Thoreau)

Thoreau made that statement in 1854, but it is as relevant and pervasive today as it was then. 

We may have good times and bad times, but our appreciation of life is driven by the ups and downs of our circumstances. If things are going well at the moment, life is okay. When things go wrong, life is not so good. Day by day, our lives of quiet desperation stretch on. 

Recognizing this new normal is important for several reasons, so that you …

  • Understand you are not broken or alone, because many people are where you are.
  • Can do something about it, because there are steps you can take to make life better.
  • Become more available and empathetic about being there for the people around you.

You are not meant to lead a life of quiet desperation. And you don’t have to change everything today, because transformation often happens a step at a time. We can develop a new new normal. If we are willing to face our issues and become vulnerable and intentional in doing something about them, for ourselves and the people we care about. 

Are you willing?

Question: Who do you know that may be living a life of quiet desperation?

Next Right Step: Make sure that person knows they are not broken or alone.

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