There are over 150 million blogs on the internet, and a new blog is created every half a second. Why in the world would someone want to create another one?
Yet blogging, websites, and social media have become widely accepted forms of communication and ministry. Some of you, or people you know, may even be considering using a blog to reach people.
This blog was not something I originally set out to do. But I’m glad it came about, so I decided to share why I got started to help anyone else considering such a step.
Why write a blog? There are lots of good reasons, but for me it came down to three.
You Have Something You Need to Say
It started with STEPS: A Daily Journey to a Better Life.
Our family went through tough times for a few years. In that process we came across some life improvement principles I knew other people could benefit from.
I did some research and could not find another book that had already done what I wanted to do. I talked to a few people I trusted and got some early encouragement about the approach.
A turning point was a comment from a friend, Troy Schmidt, who gave me an unexpected answer when I asked him if I should write a book. He started by talking about how hard and frustrating the process would be. The statement that stuck with me was when he said:
“Don’t write a book unless there is something you just have to say.”
I decided that, whether or not a lot of people would ever read it, I had something I needed to say. After the book was done, that desire didn’t go away, so I started the blog.
You Want to Help People
Over time, I have come to realize that I and my family have been very blessed, even through tough times. God continues to be very good, and I feel a desire to “pay it forward” when I can.
The purpose of STEPS is to help people improve their lives and grow closer to God, and that is the goal for the STEPS Journey Blog as well.
Writing also lined up with how I had been designed and what I liked to do. But, why write a blog?
There are practical reasons: It was achievable, and it would be a useful skill to develop. A blog is an efficient way to reach others in a world that is information-driven and totally connected. I can work on it anytime and anywhere, and I don’t have to coordinate schedules with anybody.
Blogging is a flexible and convenient form of ministry, so it made sense for my situation.
To Change Your Future
Writing can change your future in a number of ways. It gives me a weekly mission that has purpose. It keeps me focused on finding ideas and content that might benefit people. God leads us in creative ways, and the blog seems to be part of that process for me. Plus, it’s an interesting hobby.
Before starting the book, I determined it was a good thing to do whether or not I ever made any money from it. The blog keeps that writing process alive, and it sets up opportunities to create useful content, teach, and speak. One of my biggest challenges is balancing making a living with other things I feel led to do. Maybe, this writing thing will become part of how that all works out.
For you, why write a blog? If you are still reading, that is a very good question to consider.
Question: Do you have interest in using communication to help other people?
Action: Don’t start a blog, because most of them fail when people quit after a few months. [If that statement does not discourage you, and you have something you need to say, then write!]
Photo by owenwbrown Photo by AJC
Photo by bennthewolfe