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The Paradigm of Praise

Things are not going so well right now.

Recently, my son suffered a setback, my wife had trials, I faced disappointment, and our family’s finances took some shots. Even though I am trying to do what God wants, circumstances are not what we had hoped, and it’s tough with so many things going wrong.

I want to be in God’s will. And I know, theoretically at least, that being in God’s will does not mean my circumstances will be what I want. But, deep inside, I always assumed they would be.

Maybe I need to be thinking about things differently.

“Blessed is he who submits to the will of God; he can never be unhappy. He knows that all things work together for good to them who love God.” (Martin Luther)

Learning a New Paradigm

paradigm photoA paradigm is a perspective or a way of looking at something. Sort of a philosophical framework, if you will.

A paradigm shift is when there is a fundamental change in how we think. For example, discovering the world was not flat, or when the industrial revolution changed how people worked and lived.

I think I need a paradigm shift in my life. And I’m starting to understand what it should be:

  • To change from worshiping financial security to being content without it.
  • To evolve from a person who has to have a plan for everything to one who can be joyful even when his plans aren’t working out.
  • To transform from always needing to be in control to someone who has serenity even when he has very little control at all.

Because, to follow God’s will, I need to focus on what’s important to him.

And God’s ways are not our ways. They are not mildly different from our ways. They do not share some characteristics with our ways. Quite often, they are the exact opposite of our ways!

What God cares most about is our heart. Our purpose here is to trust and praise him and, over time, become changed to be more like the example he sent to earth for us—his Son.

“For it is certain that whatever seeming calamity happens to you, if you thank and praise God for it, you turn it into a blessing …” (William Law)

Understanding the Paradigm of Praise

paradigm shift photoOne area where we could likely all benefit from a paradigm shift is how we think about our circumstances.

When things are going wrong in our lives, most of us look at our circumstances first, and then eventually get around to putting God into the picture. Something like this:

Boy, life sucks right now. Why is everything so messed up? I worked hard, and I even prayed for some of this stuff, and everything still went wrong! Which must mean I’m a failure. I’m ashamed, and I’m losing hope. How could God let me down like this? He must not love me very much.

But what if we had a paradigm shift and focused on God first, in faith, and then interpreted our circumstances based on God’s character? More like this:

I know God loves me. And he can use all things—even bad things—to do something good. My circumstances are screwed up, but I choose to praise and thank God anyway. In some way I don’t yet understand, my life will be blessed by what I am going through. Life is still okay, and so am I.

Think of how different our lives would be if we made that change in our thinking! How much pain and fear we would avoid, and how much peace and joy we would find.

Applying the Paradigm of Praise

But, because we are so stuck in our ways, changing our paradigm can be hard to do.

The last few days, over and over and over, I have worked at it and tried to praise God and thank him, including for the bad stuff. Sometimes, I feel hope and serenity and enjoy a totally new way of thinking. Other times, it slips away for a while, and I get discouraged again.

But I’m better off for trying, and each attempt takes me a small step forward. Toward a whole new way of living: a new paradigm of praise. So I’m going to keep trying …

“God permits every circumstance of our life for a good reason. Through it, He intends to bring about His perfect and loving plan for us. The very thing you think is painful proof of God’s absence from your life is in fact His loving provision to draw you toward Himself – so that your joy may be full!” (Merlin R. Carothers in Power in Praise)

Question: What is something that is going wrong in your life that is discouraging you?

Action: Give it your best shot: think of something bad in your life, and thank God for it.

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