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The Epiphany of Prevention: STEPS Ministries

What is now STEPS Ministries began with an epiphany: “Why do we wait until people crash and burn before we teach them the incredible wisdom found in the world of recovery?”

Why must people suffer the agony of addiction and a journey of self-destruction, taking those close to them through hell in the process, when there are answers so readily available?  

Why do 90% of those people never get help?

Moving from an Epiphany to a Ministry

Instead, why aren’t people presented with these principles that have worked in recovery for millions of people over decades? Which help us in all areas of our lives, not just recovery. Steps which are spiritually sound and Biblically-based and lead us to a happier, more fulfilling life.

Why not teach people those concepts earlier in the addiction cycle? So they can adjust their trajectory and avoid pain they will inevitably face otherwise. Why not try to prevent addiction?

When I began to look around, expecting there must be many efforts already underway focused on the prevention of addiction, I found almost none. It made no sense. 

That idea wouldn’t let go of me and was the genesis for STEPS: A Daily Journey to a Better Life.  Which led to a calling to create a new nonprofit ministry for the prevention of addiction. 

That epiphany led to STEPS Ministries, and it all started with the STEPS.

Which are a process for recovery, but also a way of living that leads to peace, joy, and purpose. And which can be a life planning tool, daily lifestyle reminders, a way to deal with tough times, a spiritual road map, and principles to guide such diverse activities as work, family, and money.

Applying the STEPS to STEPS Ministries

It makes sense that recovery principles can be guidelines for STEPS Ministries, which is focused on the prevention of addiction, and that led me to re-examine how that alignment is working:   

Surrender your will to God and make choices based on faith and courage – Almost every day, I pray to surrender STEPS Ministries to God’s will. I ask that he guide the ministry and direct my decisions, and I thank him for the blessings of recovery and a relationship with our Creator.  

Humbly admit your mistakes and make positive changes in your life – We all tend to repeat our mistakes, and I’m no different. But I try to learn from them and accept my imperfections, and I greatly appreciate God taking my limited faith and turning it into joyful expectation.

Seek forgiveness and invest in good relationships – A critical part of STEPS Ministries is relationships with people we serve and those who want to help the ministry serve others. Therefore, it is a strategic decision to actively look for “divine appointments” God sends my way.    

Spend time every day in prayer and meditation – It is incredible that the God who created the universe listens to us—awesome is too small a word. And I have come to appreciate that when he speaks so softly that I struggle to hear, it’s not because he doesn’t want to communicate to me. It’s because the relationship of “listening” is more important to him than the result of “hearing.”

Serve as an example and add value to the lives of others – The purpose of STEPS Ministries is to serve others and help them improve their lives, and I am aware that every meeting I have is part of that ministry. And I appreciate the mind-boggling miracle that God uses us to be a part of his plans here on earth. The meaning and purpose that brings to life are a wonderful blessing.   

The STEPS are a flexible tool that can be used in many areas of our lives, so it makes sense that they can be applied to the ministry they led to. But it’s cool to see how that is working out.

The STEPS can change your life—if you use them—one day at a time. STEPS Ministries can help you, and hopefully many others, do just that. If you‘re willing to take the first step.  

Question: Which of the 5 STEPS above do you feel you should work on the most?

Action: Pick part of your life to improve and use the STEPS to help you in that area.  

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