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OK, this is the year, this time you mean it. You’re going to get in shape, save more money, and become a kinder person. Then, you’ll solve that world hunger problem. Or, not.
“Modern life assaults us with an infinite range of things we could do, we would love to do, or some people tell us we should do.” (Os Guinness)
In reality, very few of us actually keep the resolutions we set. Research from the University of Scranton reports that only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals.
On the other hand, many people actually do improve their lives every year. Some people turn their lives around in wonderful ways.
Why Don’t Our Resolutions Work?
How is it that we can’t keep New Year’s resolutions, yet we still have the potential to undergo life-changing transformation?
Because, too often, we try to do it all on our own. We take God out of the equation.
“We betray our modern arrogance and forget the place of mystery in God’s dealing with us.” (Os Guinness)
Therefore, we miss many of the opportunities for growth that God intends for us. And we try to shape our own future, depending on our power alone to improve our lives.
We all yearn to find purpose and meaning. But our limited capabilities are not sufficient for significant and lasting life change.
“We are not wise enough, pure enough, or strong enough to aim and sustain such a single motive over a lifetime.” (Os Guinness)
But what might happen if we aim higher, if we look for more than self-driven resolutions?
We may discover something very exciting. We could find our life calling.
One definition for calling is “a strong desire to spend your life doing a certain kind of activity, especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence.”
What’s the Big Difference?
But how is a calling different from a resolution?
Typically, a resolution can be described as:
- Something you intend to do.
- A decision you make on your own.
- Motivated by will power or guilt.
- May be trivial or significant.
In contrast, a calling is characterized by:
- Something you feel led to do.
- A direction you discern (from God).
- Motivated by a greater purpose.
- An important new direction in life.
That doesn’t mean resolutions are bad, quite the contrary. The research mentioned above also showed that people who make resolutions are 10 times as likely to attain their goals as people who make no commitments to change. Any sincere attempt to improve your life may have some merit.
But What If We Want More?
So, we are left with a big question: How do we find our life calling?
Read these 3 other STEPS Journey Blog articles to learn about 6 ways to find our calling:
- Part 2: How to Find Your Life Calling
- Search for the Truth.
- Respond to God’s Direction.
- Part 3: How to Find Your Life Calling
- Apply Our Talents to a Greater Cause.
- See the Blessings in Trials.
- Part 4: How to Find Your Life Calling
- Establish a Life Plan.
- Take the Next Right Step.
You can find your calling. It happens to others, and it can happen with you.
Not through your power alone. By surrendering your future to the vision God has in mind for you.
“To believe in God is to let God be God.” (Os Guinness)
This year, maybe you are destined for something more than New Year’s resolutions.
Question: Wouldn’t it be exciting to find a wonderful new vision for your future?
Action: Read the next article in this series on “How to Find Your Life Calling: Part 2.”