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How to Start Living Intentionally

How Can I Live With More Purpose?

Days go by, then months, and years, and decades. Too often, we look back and wonder, “I thought life would be better than this; why am I not making much progress?” The good news is that you can, and it starts by declaring you will be more intentional in life. 

How can you get prepared to live more intentionally?

Be Proactive to Prepare for What’s Next 

Being proactive is preparing for what’s ahead and doing something about it now. No one can predict the future. But you can picture where you want to go and take steps in that direction, and you can work on small issues to prevent them from becoming big problems.  

Act Intentionally and Thoughtfully

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness or routine of life without thinking much about what’s going on. You’ll make more progress if you focus your efforts. Periodically, pause to consider what you’re doing and take thoughtful steps on purpose versus acting randomly.   

Keep Your Balance in How You Live  

Our overall well-being includes how we’re doing emotionally, spiritually, socially, and personally. Sometimes we have blind spots and ignore areas of our wellness, but you can live more effectively by having a balanced lifestyle that addresses all those areas.   

Here are some useful resources to help you prepare to live intentionally:

Next Right Steps: Think of one thing you will do to be proactive, act intentionally, or keep your balance.

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