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Do Something

This article has a simple theme. In fact, here is the entire point in two words: “Do something!”

If circumstances, or you, are keeping you from living the kind of life that you want, do something. Do anything, but get into motion. After that, do something else, take a step. Then, look around, see how things are going so far, and take another step.

Start making progress. You’ll be amazed how different things will begin to look. Just do something!

Do Something

If you are mired in procrastination, do something!

I understand procrastination; I have battled it all my life. But there is a solution within your grasp. Do something. Do anything, get into motion. Take a step forward. But stop doing nothing. Doing nothing make you unhappy, and the situation, whatever it is you are putting off, will only get worse. If you take some action, any action, you will feel better. I promise.

If you are feeling blue, do something!

Everyone is sad some of the time, me too. But do something. Stop focusing on your problems. Count your blessings, and start thinking about other people rather than only yourself.

If you are not where you want to be in life, do something!

  • If you want to be healthier, start by taking a walk, and then do it again tomorrow.
  • If you feel lonely, be more friendly. Reach out and act like a friend to someone else.
  • If you are worried, stop avoiding God and talk to him. He’s there, and he’ll listen.
  • If you want your life to have purpose, do something today to help someone else.

But do something!

Laws of Physics

Isaac Newton’s first law of motion states that, “An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.” Objects tend to keep on doing what they’re doing. This tendency to resist changes in their state of motion is called inertia.

When you aren’t moving, you have inertia of rest. It may be hard at first, but you can break out of that state. It will take an outside force to make that change. That force is your ability to choose to do something, to decide what to do next.

Once you do something, and then something else, you will establish inertia of motion. It will now be easier to stay in motion and use your own momentum to keep moving forward. You will find yourself making more and more progress.

Getting into motion will work for you. The laws of physics are always true. But you must do something first.

Question: Is there an area of your life where you are stuck?

Action: Do something.

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