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How to Manage Stress and Find Encouragement

Life is stressful, even discouraging, but what can I do?

We all get trapped in harmful thought patterns and negative self-talk. Those whispers of anxiety and discouragement come to everyone, not just you. The good news is we can learn to manage our minds, and when we do, every day becomes better. Now that’s encouraging!

Stress happens in our minds, and that’s where we can address it as well. You can train your brain to react more positively to stressful situations. Learning to manage your mind takes practice, but by sticking with it, you can literally rewire your brain to think more positively. Do you want to be at the mercy of stress or find a more encouraging way to live? It’s your choice. 

Utilize stress by managing your mind to change how you think

1. Pause and become aware of negative stressors

A “stressor” is a situation, emotion, or thought that causes anxiety. We often react impulsively or compulsively to stressors by subconsciously allowing them to linger in our minds. Your first step in limiting stress is to notice these triggers and interrupt those harmful thoughts. 

2. Evaluate the situation to clarify what’s going on

You can use the “power of the pause” to examine the stressor more closely. Often by identifying a stressor, you take away its control of your thinking. When you engage the rational part of your mind to assess the source of stress, you better understand why it affects you negatively.

3. Choose what to do and train your thinking habits

Then, make a conscious choice what to do—or not do—next. You can make a thoughtful decision, embrace a positive thought, or choose a healthy coping mechanism. If you build a habit to “Pause, Evaluate, and Choose,” you train your brain to deal with stress more effectively. 

Here are resources to help you deal with stress and find encouragement:

Next Right StepsPick one thing that creates stress and practice: “Pause, Evaluate, and Choose.”

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