Listen to the podcast version Watch a 1-minute summary video Society is not what it used to be, and culture is evolving rapidly. In these postmodern times, your children are being exposed to an ever-increasing, sometimes dangerous, array of influences. In the midst of this massive change, a critical question
Listen to the 7-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video Tens of millions of people in the U.S. suffer from stress. Not just occasionally, but as a regular part of their lives. And many of them don’t know what to do to get better. Gallup News reported that almost
Listen to the 9-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video What will really matter to you when you are dying? Will you have regrets? After caring for dying people for years, Bronnie Ware captured their feelings in her memoir, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. Their second-most common regret:
Listen to the 9-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video If you are a parent, one of your biggest fears is likely that of your son or daughter becoming a victim of substance abuse. But there are things you can do to help protect your kids from addiction. There
Listen to the 6-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video I used to wonder if other men had insecurities, and if they ever felt shame. Now, I know they do. It starts early, and it often imprisons them in a life of quiet desperation. It was that way for
Listen to the podcast version Watch a 1-minute summary video A while back, I told my wife I wanted to write an article on “How to Be a Great Parent.” Her response was, “Who do we ask?’ Because we made our share of mistakes. But we learned along the way from
Listen to the 5-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video You already know parenting is important. And you spend time with your kids. But is it time doing the things that matter the most? Do you have a plan to help you be the best parent you can be,
Listen to the 10-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video Powered by embed youtube wordpress wordpress and online casino uden rofus How many high-functioning alcoholics do you know? 10? 5? Whatever the number, it’s not “zero.” Did that question strike you as a paradox: alcoholics who are still high-functioning?
Listen to the 6-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video Everybody loves a great story. A good story has characters: bad guys, good guys, and, of course, the hero. And a theme we connect with, such as, “Will evil triumph, or can good prevail?” To make the story work,
Listen to the 9-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video It’s important for parents to talk to their kids. But have you thought much about what to say? Research validates that parents positively impact their kids by talking to them. And there are some things that desperately need to
Listen to the 7-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video What do people think when they hear the word “addiction?” Perhaps things like: “Those other people. The ones with all the problems. Losers. Why don’t they just quit? They must be weak. Probably homeless, certainly worthless, obviously going nowhere.
Listen to the 7-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video Last week, I attended the UAB Medicine Addiction Symposium, run by the Addiction Recovery Program. I learned from some great speakers, but the part that hit me most was the family story. A charming and courageous woman
Listen to the 5-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute introductory video Depending on how big a sports fan you are, you may watch many dozens of football games in the coming years. I hope you think about this article—on playing the game of life—whenever you do. I’d like to say
Listen to the 5-minute podcast version Watch a 1.5-minute video It was the darkest time of our lives. Our son was doing things that were becoming increasingly dangerous. What we knew about frightened us greatly, but it was what we didn’t know that kept us awake at night. He told
Listen to the 7-minute podcast version Watch a 1-minute video I used to wonder: was God there only later in my life, or was he there before and I didn’t notice? As a boy, my family went to church, but those Sunday services were boring and seemed to drag on
Listen to the 6-minute podcast version Watch a 1.5 minute introductory video Do you know anyone who’s into getting in shape, yet ignores other areas they need to work on? Perhaps they’re one of those people who always eats the right foods (you know, the kale and quinoa crowd)
Listen to the 8-minute podcast version > Watch a 2-minute introductory video Guys normally know what they do, but don’t think much about why they do those things. This article is for those guys. To help them get more in touch with what’s going on below the surface. And to
Listen to the 7-minute podcast version Watch a 90-second introduction video (previously published on June 2, 2019) Hi, I’m Steve, and I’m an alcoholic. When some people hear those words, they know we share a special bond and a common experience. Perhaps their last recovery meeting comes to mind,
Recently, many of you helped us make decisions that will take STEPS Ministries to a new level. We will relaunch this blog soon with video and podcast content and an exciting new content portal on the website. These changes will help us reach more people and serve them more
Each Monday morning, you have been getting an email from me with the text of that week’s STEPS Journey Blog article in the note. In a few weeks, that will change. We will relaunch this blog with video, audio podcast, and reading options so more people can use it and
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