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What Is It Worth to Prevent Addiction?

“I still remember the night times. In the darkness of early morning, I would wake to a feeling of dread. The next few hours would be clouded by fear and shame, because my world had come apart one piece at a time.” (excerpt from our family’s story in “The Dark of Night”)

What is it worth to help 1 person avoid the tragedy of addiction? What if that person is your son or daughter? Your husband or wife? Employee or coworker? Or any human being?

Seriously, what is it worth to prevent addiction? $1000? $5000? $25,000? $250,000?


Counting the Cost

Unfortunately, addiction treatment can cost a lot of money:

  • $1000+ – 10 counseling sessions or 1-time detox treatment
  • $5000-$10,000 – 30-day inpatient or 90-day outpatient rehab
  • $25,000-$250,000 – 1-year residential recovery program

And that doesn’t count the cost of them buying alcohol or drugs for years, legal fees for DUIs and other issues, financial support if they are in a low-paying job or not working, and other costs.  

But the financial cost of addiction is only the tip of the iceberg.

If someone you care about is on the road to addiction, their behavior will change, their character will suffer, and their happiness and peace will be disrupted. Guilt and shame will become their unwanted companions, and that can lead to loneliness, anxiety, and depression. 

Even a highly-functioning alcoholic or addict is controlled by their habit, and the emotional, spiritual, and personal costs will become devastating. Unless they do something, they will eventually “hit bottom” which may mean a DUI, getting fired, divorce, or worse. They could die.

And 90% of people with addiction will not get treatment.

Addiction is a tornado that destroys everything in its path. The new reality for the spouse and kids will become worry, sadness, anger, and frustration. That is a family tragedy that is happening all around us, every day. But you can help. 


How You Can Help

It costs just $60 per person served to fund STEPS Ministries for a year!

More specifically, here is how you can help by making a financial gift:

  • $60/month: Fund the ministry to serve and help 1 person each month.
    • Imagine knowing you are impacting a person’s life EVERY month!
  • $200/month: 5 STEPS parenting seminars for 200+ Moms and Dads.
    • Each parent is equipped to protect their kids against addiction!
  • $500/month: Build a comprehensive parenting program in early 2019.
    • This material can help families for many years to come!
  • $10,000: 6-month outreach to touch thousands of parents.
    • Every person touched can acquire parenting material!
  • $20,000: Matching Gift to double the impact of other donors.
    • Single-handedly enable STEPS Ministries to serve people in 2019!

You can be somebody’s hero. You can help them improve their life and grow closer to God. Maybe, you can be part of transforming their life, or even saving it! And helping their family as well. 

You can be a hero, if you will take the next step.

Question: Are you willing to take a step to help prevent addiction?

Action: Click here to Donate and read the Fourth Quarter Message.

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