For next right steps
Uniquely Qualified
Having struggled with addiction personally, I understand and value the importance of a proactive approach to addressing it. Having knowledge about the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of addiction can help family members and friends of those in addiction know how to better react, respond, and (most importantly) prevent it. Steve is uniquely qualified to do this work having walked the path of addiction personally.
Highly Recommend!
I would like to wholeheartedly and enthusiastically recommend Steve Ward and STEPS Ministries to you. Our church and staff firmly believe in and strongly support STEPS Ministries, and we applaud Steve’s efforts to help people improve their lives, grow closer to God, and prevent addiction.
Powerful and Necessary
Steve spoke to a group of young business leaders I mentor, and his message was powerful and necessary. As most business people today would admit, addiction is a reality affecting almost every company. The cost to productivity, families, and even lives is significant. I encourage every leader to consider engaging Steve to help your business. You may not be aware of an issue in your company, but I assure you the likelihood of someone in your business struggling with alcohol or drug abuse is very high. Steve has a great story of recovery and redemption, and I encourage you to contact him to discuss how he can help your employees.
Unique Approach
We all know people struggling with addictions, either themselves or in their family. STEPS Ministries and Steve Ward have a unique approach to prevent addiction by helping people before their lives are dangerously impacted. This is a ministry that is desperately needed!
Built Upon Real World Experiences
The delivery of health care in the US is shifting its focus from treating symptoms of disease to preventing it all together. This approach uses education, awareness, a holistic view of the individual, and access to experts and resources to produce better outcomes at a lower cost. STEPS is a great example of this approach and fits well with public health and employer initiatives concerning addiction. STEPS is built upon real world experiences honed over decades that allow it to speak with authority to individuals, families, institutions, and companies concerning addiction and its prevention. Simply put, STEPS will help you develop the courage, competency, and commitment to take on the challenge of recognizing and confronting the power of addiction in yourself, family, friends, and employees.
Often, when we think about the growing epidemic of addiction, we think of it in a far-off manner. We see it from a distance as if it does not affect us. The reality is that addiction is everywhere: at work, in your community, school, church or maybe your life and family. It comes in many forms. Our biggest asset in the fight against addiction is prevention. We need to get in front of it, talk about it in our circles, and bring it to light in our lives. Because it is not as far off as we make it seem, it is hidden in plain sight in our everyday lives. STEPS Ministries is instrumental in helping individuals and families in areas of awareness, education and connection around the topic of addiction. They provide the tools and enable people to find hope, healing and help when it comes to addiction. The journey to recovery is long, but it can be achieved one step at a time.
A Passionate Trainer
Steve Ward is a passionate trainer who I have both trained and observed deliver practical exercises that promote resilience and health consciousness. There are few trainers who combine deep corporate experience, first-hand knowledge of the importance of prevention, and also superlative facilitation skills. Given the growing number of workplace trainings you can use, it is good to know that you can rely on someone who will not only grab your attention but give you proven skills to prevent substance abuse in your employees. I hope you give Steve the opportunity to demonstrate the rare value that only his brand and depth can offer.
I first met Steve in Sunday School, where I heard his story for the first time. His openness and vulnerability are powerful; and so many need to hear the message. Addressing addiction from the standpoint of prevention is absolutely the right approach and resonates deeply with me.
Great Insight
As a contributing writer, Steve Ward has provided great insight to our readership in an easy to understand format with specifics on how readers can improve their parenting. After you read his columns, you can’t help but want to develop a proactive parenting strategy for your own family. Steve is also a natural on the radio and shares his passion for helping others in a concise, easy to understand way. His tips on proactive parenting are gold for listeners wanting to do all they can to protect their children from addiction.
Helpful Guidance
Steve has provided helpful guidance and instruction to the community and to families who struggle with addiction. He has the ability to speak to the heart of the issue, and he is capable of communicating about difficult things because of his own experiences and his dedicated investigation and relentless research. Steve is a gifted speaker who has led several seminars in a variety of venues at our church. As a speaker, his desire to aim at the heart of issues is apparent, and his servant heart is revealed as he spends time with people after his talks are over. I consider him to be a great friend who encourages me in the ministry which I am called to here at OMPC.
Knowledge and Passion
Steve presented to our Hoover-Metro Kiwanis club and really helped change the way we think about addiction. The part that resonated with me the most was understanding that addiction is not limited to drug and alcohol abuse. It’s obvious that his knowledge and passion for helping people overcome addiction is making a difference in our communities.
Changed Lives!
Steve Ward presented and ran a workshop for Truth at Work, and both had a transformational impact on everyone attending. Steve is an incredible speaker and teacher. I have witnessed his speaking at different venues with varied audiences, and the results were always the same: “Changed lives!” Steve has incredible insights for preventing addiction. His coaching skills have impacted me personally for years. One reason for his success in serving people is that he has walked and lived out what he is teaching. An addicted culture needs the integrity and humble heart of a Steve Ward. You will witness the change he can bring to your organization by impacting and transforming your culture for greater success. You will be delighted beyond measure.
Wealth of Knowledge
I have known Steve Ward for more than 20 years. He is a strong business man but also an amazing person. As a communicator, Steve has the ability to get to the heart of the matter in concise ways and can articulate the value of what he is sharing in precise terms. He brings a wealth of knowledge, both business and personal, to his ministry efforts today. Steve’s personal experiences with alcoholism in his own life and that of his family have allowed him to have a viewpoint that very few can (or are willing to) share. He has taken his experiences and turned them into wisdom and insight for parents, spouses, and business associates alike. His personal mission to prevent addiction is exciting to watch. The opportunity to get up stream of addiction and educate families and businesses on how to recognize the signs is a very under-served area and one that Steve has a passion to help resolve.
For proactive parenting
Best Investment
This seminar was the best investment of time I have made recently, and I can recommend this session to other parents without hesitation.
Great Understanding
Great understanding of the pressures my child may be facing, how he may seek relief from pain, and how I can be aware and come alongside if destructive behaviors take over his life.
Wonderful Message
This is the beginning of the spread of a powerful, wonderful message, not just for folks in the middle of dangerous addiction, but even for the parent who does not fear this for their child.
So Much Insight
Highly recommend this to everyone - so much insight and great information regarding addiction and the heart journey for all those touched by addiction
Practical Wisdom
Steve leads his talk from a position of brokenness and humility. He imports practical wisdom and insights from his life experience.
Extremely Helpful
Steve sharing his family’s story with such honesty and humility was a true blessing to me. The information on how to parent in such a way as to hopefully prevent our children from going down this path of addiction was extremely helpful!
So relatable
This seminar helped me by giving me insight for my son, and Steve’s personal examples made it so relatable. Thank you for sharing from your heart.
Helpful Seminar
It would be a helpful seminar for a parent in any stage of their children’s lives. I appreciated the challenge, the encouragement, and the practical help.
Loved it
Loved the orientation toward grace and the personal stories related to the material. Thank you for caring enough to share your story to help others.
Excellent Material
Excellent specific material. Love the focus on the positives that prevent and build the life we would want. Loved the willingness to share your heart - was touched by your tears. Loved the honesty and the material that showed value of the difficult journey.
Informative and Practical
It was very informative and practical. It gave me a lot to think about and intentional ways to be a better parent.
A book that can change lives.
Do you want more peace, joy, and purpose in your life? Many books provide inspirational stories, but have little practical value. In STEPS, Steve Ward has written a book that can change lives. Based on his own soul-wrenching experiences, he gives practical advice that can help individuals and families not only survive, but thrive, through tough times. As a senior business executive, I have seen the difference in people who can demonstrate resilience in challenging circumstances. Ward’s book will make you a more resilient person and help you achieve your highest potential.”
Powerful concepts that could transform your life.
I have the privilege of contributing to the transformation of world class business, community, and spiritual leaders, and Steve Ward brings his own passion for transformation to all those areas. He wants to make a difference and has the insight, dedication, and proven methodology to do so. Steve brings forth a new voice and an exciting message to convey practical, yet powerful, concepts that could transform your life.
Now, are YOU ready to begin?
“In STEPS, Steve reminds us we are on a journey. But do we truly want a better life? His challenges, reflected in his own journey, provide a map to lead you from denial toward the ability to give back to others. Now, are YOU ready to begin?
Knowing where to get help.
Life is tough and no one is exempt. Sometimes the hardest part of finding our way through tough times is knowing where to get help. Out of the crucible of his own family’s tough circumstances, Steve Ward has helped chart a path for recovery by drawing on his own experiences as laid out in his book, STEPS. These are not steps on a level path, but steps that ascend with each new discovery.
Steve gives you Steve, warts and all.
I have known Steve Ward for over 15 years and two words characterize him perfectly: Honesty and Focus. As a teacher, father, friend, and businessman, Steve gives you Steve, warts and all, and all the while he’s focused on being the man God wants him to be.
Take the next right step.
We’re all in recovery to some degree. That’s life. Chances are you’ve heard about the Twelve Step program, but have you ever examined what those steps are really about? One chapter at a time in STEPS, Steve Ward’s sobering personal account, invites the reader to put one foot in front of the other to take the next right step in order to gain a more whole and joyous life.
Find more peace and purpose in your life.
The Twelve Step Program is part of how we turn lives around at MARR and give people their best chance at a lasting recovery. In my 30-plus years of working with people every day, I have seen how powerful this approach is for all aspects of healthy living, not just for addiction. If you want to become more productive, happy, and satisfied and find more peace and purpose in your life, the Twelve Steps can help you get there.
Helping us deal with our everyday challenges and opportunities.
Steve has found the formula to present the wisdom of the Twelve Steps in a way that is truly applicable to everyone. The STEPS process goes beyond addiction, helping us deal with all our everyday challenges and opportunities. This book is a model for living a productive and happy life.
A must read for people looking for answers.
I’ve been around Steve Ward regularly for quite some time, and it has been fascinating to get to know such an inspiring person on a personal basis. His faith, love, and commitment to his family through difficult times come through strongly in the stories in this book. It is a must read for people who are looking for answers and willing to give faith a try. The practical applications throughout the book are fantastic, and I would recommend it to anyone!
These principles are appropriate for any person.
One misconception people often have about the Twelve Steps is thinking they are only useful for the chemically addicted. In reality, these principles are appropriate for any person. I’m grateful to Steve Ward for taking on this mistaken belief and bringing these principles to the broader public, helping us all see the inherent power in the Steps.