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PArenting teenagers


As parents, focusing on a few key things can make a big difference in your kids’ lives, especially as you work to guide your kids through the teenage years.

Things like being aware and informed, connecting with your kids, and getting educated on steps you can take to help them deal with life’s pressures and temptations. These areas help parents begin to develop a proactive parenting approach that can help your kids develop in a safe and healthy manner.

You are simply trying to help guide your son or daughter to develop a healthy foundation so they can deal with the ups and downs of life effectively.

PACES for Parents is a methodology you can use to build a happier family by helping your pre-teens and teenagers thrive and protecting them from serious issues. P-A-C-E-S is an acronym to help you remember five steps you can take …

Preparation (PACES for Parents)

Be proactive and prepared to help your kids thrive and protect them from substance abuse and other issues.
Watch and read the quick-and-easy resources below and consider the questions that follow.

How do I get prepared for my kids becoming teenagers? A lot changes when kids become teenagers, so parents must change too. Things get more complicated, and the temptations and risks your kids face are MUCH higher. Parents of teenagers don’t have to be perfect, but they do need to be proactive and prepared. How… Read More »How Parents Can Prepare

After watching the two videos and reading the article about Preparation, answer the questions below:

  1. From 1 (low) to 10 (high), how prepared is your family for your kids becoming teenagers?
  2. How can you prepare your kids to handle personal issues and problems they will face as teenagers?
  3. What should you change about your lifestyle or habits to set a positive example for your kids?
  4. What are specific small steps you can take each week to be more prepared to help them thrive?

Awareness (PACES for Parents)

Be aware of what your kids are going through and challenges they face so you can be there for them.
Watch and read the quick-and-easy resources below and consider the questions that follow.

All teenagers have personal issues, and most struggle at times. Many turn to alcohol or drugs to feel better for a while or fit in with their friends. No matter what is going on with your kids, it’s better if you are aware of it. Because then you can help.

After watching the two videos and reading the article about Awareness, answer the questions below:

  1. From 1 (low) to 10 (high), how aware do you think you are of what’s REALLY going on with your kids?
  2. What things are each of your kids (individually) most anxious, sad, or insecure about?
  3. Compared to a year ago, how are your kids doing emotionally, spiritually, and personally?
  4. What are specific small steps you can take each week to stay more aware of what’s going on?

Connection (PACES for Parents)

Deepen and strengthen your relationship with your son or daughter by connecting effectively with them.
Watch and read the quick-and-easy resources below and consider the questions that follow.

When our kids become teenagers, it’s harder to talk to them than when they were younger. They’re not around as much and are more independent and less open about their feelings. If they’re struggling or making bad choices, it gets even harder, but it’s more important than ever.

After watching the two videos and reading the article about Connection, answer the questions below:

  1. From 1 (low) to 10 (high), how important is it to you to be connected to your teenagers?
  2. What things (with them or you) make it harder for you to connect with your kids?
  3. What are things you could do to improve how well you communicate with them?
  4. What are specific small steps you can take each week to stay better connected?

Education (PACES for Parents)

Equip your kids to deal with life issues and situations they will face and make good choices along the way.
Watch and read the quick-and-easy resources below and consider the questions that follow.

When kids become teenagers, they have to deal with personal issues, challenging situations, and dangerous temptations they never encountered before. Each situation may be new for parents as well, so it’s important to get education to help both parents and kids be ready for what they will face.

After watching the two videos and reading the article about Education, answer the questions below:

  1. From 1 (low) to 10 (high), how dedicated are you about being the best parent you can be?
  2. What is keeping you from spending 15 minutes a week to learn some new parenting skills?
  3. What new experiences and challenges might your kids face that you want to learn about?
  4. What are specific small steps you can take each week to be more educated on parenting?

Steps (PACES for Parents)

Build a plan to have a happy and healthy family and help your kids become the people they are meant to be.
Watch and read the quick-and-easy resources below and consider the questions that follow.

There are proven principles that will help your kids thrive emotionally, socially, spiritually, and personally. These same steps will also protect them from addiction and other negative issues. By implementing a proactive parenting plan, you can do both at the same time!

After watching the two videos and reading the article about Steps, answer the questions below:

  1. From 1 (low) to 10 (high), how do you rate the current parenting plan you have right now?
  2. Thinking of your kids individually, what kind of person are they designed and meant to be?
  3. Which of your kids is facing a crisis (anything that negatively impacts them) and what is it?
  4. What are small steps you can take each week to make progress on your parenting plan?


Looking for simple, effective parenting resources to help your teenagers thrive and protect them from substance abuse?

Using PACES for Parents will help you prevent problems before they occur.