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How to Take the Right Steps in a Family Crisis

If my kids are in a crisis, what steps should I take next?

If your son or daughter is making bad choices that are creating a crisis in your family, you will need to accelerate the steps you are taking. It is far better to adjust what you are doing before things get worse rather than delaying and naively hoping they will get better on their own. 

How can you start taking positive steps if your teenager is in a crisis?

Talk to them about taking steps toward recovery

Tell your kids that because you love them, you will do whatever it takes to protect them and help them get better. If prior prevention steps haven’t worked, it’s time to consider if they should go into a recovery program. The “What if Nothing is Working?” article below will help. 

Get help for them versus waiting until it’s too late

Your son or daughter can benefit from talking to people who understand what they’re going through. Contact the best organization or person you can find and set up the first appointment. If your teenager doesn’t connect with that person, pick someone else and try again.

Have a plan for what you will do in an emergency

While you hope for and pray for the best, you need to plan for the worst, just in case. Write down steps you will take to help avert a disaster. Build a plan for dangerous situations that may occur and decide if, when, and how to hold an intervention to save your son or daughter.

Here are some useful resources to help you take the next right steps:

Next Right Steps: After getting through the situation safely, continue studying the resources in this material on parenting in a crisis.   

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