I used to believe we had a God of clarity. Which meant that if God wanted us to do something, he would make it absolutely clear to us what that something was.
I don’t believe that anymore.
I want to follow God’s will, but sometimes that seems hard to do. I find myself conflicted more often than I like to be. There often does not seem to be one “right answer” for which way to go.
At least, it’s not clear to me what that answer should be.
It seems that God wants us to work it out somehow, and that involves making choices. He plays a huge role in the process, yet mysteriously, and often his direction is subtle rather than overt.
I’m pretty sure God uses our prayers, his guidance in the Bible, the counsel of wise people, and even circumstances to help direct our path. And that he installed a compass in each of us to help guide the way, one wired into our unique design that innately understands right from wrong. And that he is there with us, literally and tangibly, to help guide the way.
I don’t have any magic answers for how we follow God’s will. But below and in the next STEPS Journey Blog article, I will share a few examples of how it has worked in my life …
Finding Our Way
The Situation: We moved to Birmingham for what we thought was a brief, interim period. After a while, we began to consider if we should stay there permanently. But I had planned for years that we would stay in Atlanta. And that was what I had always wanted to do.
- What Happened: For long-term decisions, I try to take my time. I talk to people, pray about it, and look at it from different perspectives. Then, I wait, and let God slowly shape the answer. In this instance, circumstances pointed the way forward, and things kept happening that seemed to be part of a bigger pattern. We felt directed to stay in Birmingham.
- Related Article: “It Takes Courage to Surrender”
The Situation: I had felt for a while that I should make a significant career change, but pulling the trigger was hard. I worried a lot about finances, especially since I had a family to support.
- What Happened: I need to support my family, so I carefully considered how to do that if I made a change. It continued to feel like the right thing to do, even though money worries returned over and over. It felt right, so this one came down to trust.
- Related Article: “Trust Takes Training”
The Situation: Every day, there are too many tasks I find myself needing to juggle, and too little time for all of them to fit. Sometimes, I’m not quite sure what to work on next.
- What Happened: I decided to step back and ask God to help me understand where he wanted me to go in the long-term. Having that perspective gave me insight on how to set my daily priorities more wisely in the short-term.
- Related Article: “What To Do Next”
How do we follow God’s will?
It starts with trusting him. It involves acting on that trust over and over, one step at a time.
And, amazingly, it leads toward us becoming a new person.
Question: What is one part of your life where you would like to understand God’s will?
Action: Read the next STEPS Journey Blog article for Part 2 on “How to Follow God’s Will.”
Photo by Mimolalen Photo by quinn.anya