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How a Little Education Can Help Your Family a Lot


When kids become teenagers, they have to deal with personal issues, challenging situations, and dangerous temptations they have never encountered before. Each of these situations may be new for parents as well, so it’s important to get some education to help both parents and kids be ready for what they will face.

How can your family get educated to help your teenagers thrive rather than struggle?

Equip your kids to handle risky situations

Ask your kids what potentially dangerous circumstances and temptations other kids at school might be facing. Ask them what they should do to handle those situations. Based on your research, suggest ideas for your kids to consider and ask what they think would work best.

Learn how to maintain good boundaries

Boundaries are pre-set rules with well-defined consequences, and you should work with your kids to put them in place BEFORE something dangerous happens. Effective boundaries should be: (a) clear, precise, and well-communicated; (b) fair with consequences aligned to their behavior choices; (c) always applied consistently; and (d) managed calmly and with love even when enforcing the consequences.

Get more education on what to do

Use the PACES for Parents online learning center as much as possible. Start with the Education section and watch the free 13-minute video on “10 Mistakes Parents Make and How Not To.” Then, encourage the positive behaviors described rather than repeating those mistakes.  

Here are other resources to help you and your kids be educated on what to do:

Next Right Steps: Commit to read at least one article or watch one video every week to learn new tips and techniques that can help you equip your kids to thrive during the teen years.   

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