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When someone is stuck in an unhealthy behavior, the first step is often the hardest. It is also the most important, because it can lead them on to a whole new life. And, sometimes, we can help.
In the last article, we discussed 7 behaviors of people who are dealing with an addiction or compulsive issue in their life, and we saw how these provide insight for meeting people where they are.
These behaviors are also a tool for helping people where they are.
By encouraging someone to take the next right step, we can help them along their journey to become more aware, conscious, worthy, informed, connected, safe, and repentant.
Helping People Where They Are
Helping people where they are is an opportunity to serve someone who may be struggling. It is also a challenge, but there are things we can do to help them if they are ….
Unaware – Some people may be slow to connect the dots that something they have been doing has become a compulsive habit. With empathy, we can pose questions and add perspective to help them increase their awareness of the situation.
Unconscious – People in denial need a wake-up call to face the consequences they are creating for themselves and those around them. We can help with a calm discussion of how what they are doing affects us and others to help them count the cost and understand the pain they are creating.
Unworthy – We can help someone dealing with shame by being vulnerable and encouraging with them, and letting them see that we all have issues. We can remind them of God’s character and his promises and that, in God’s eyes, they have great value, no matter what they have done.
Uninformed – Sometimes, people simply need education, and they may be overwhelmed by the clutter of information on the internet. We can help them find relevant and useful material that may unlock the door for them to take a positive step forward.
Unconnected – We can be an encouraging voice to urge them to reach out and find people to talk to, ideally someone who has been where they are now. And we can point out how helpful it can be to join a support group or see a counselor, and we can assist them in that process.
Unsafe – As someone’s situation becomes more dangerous, we can provide a haven of safety. That starts by being supportive and showing empathy—meeting them where they are. If things get worse, we may need to talk to a professional to consider some form of intervention.
Unrepentant – We can’t fix other people. If someone won’t listen, it won’t help to preach, but we can love them and pray for them. We must also set clear and firm boundaries to protect our well-being and consider getting help for ourselves with a counselor or an Al Anon meeting.
Taking the next right step may seem simple, but for people who are struggling it can be very difficult. But now we have a guide—a tool—for helping people where they are.
Question: Reaching out to people who are struggling may be hard, but are you willing to try?
Action: Use this and the last article as a tool for meeting and helping people where they are.
Photo by T.JackPhotography Photo by Gareth1953 All Right Now