I’ve seen this coming for a couple of years now. In fact, I’ve enjoyed a running joke with God, something like: “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?”
Spiritually speaking, financial security is an idol for me, as is my insatiable desire to control my circumstances. My wife likes structure, and security is important to her as well. But, in less than 2 weeks, we’re stepping away from structure, security, and control.
You would think that would be frightening. In some ways, it is, but that’s not the real story of what’s going on now. Because this has become an incredible journey, and finding the blessings in each day has become a wonderful adventure.
Taking a Step of Faith
I will have worked for IBM for just over 38 years when I retire in 2 weeks.
Days after graduating from Georgia Tech, I flew to Arizona to start a career with no clue I would spend almost 4 decades with 1 company. Now, at age 61, I’m an entrepreneur. Who’d a thunk it?
Lately, people have asked questions like, “Are you sad you’re leaving?” and “What will you do to celebrate retiring?” Each time, I’ve been a bit taken aback. Not by the questions, but how I feel about the answers: “No, I’m not sad.” “I don’t know, I haven’t thought about celebrating.”
Because the most important thing happening right now is not what’s ending, but what’s beginning.
There are many good things about my move from business into full-time ministry. I’ll be working on things I enjoy, am good at, and get satisfaction from. And what could be more satisfying than spending all my time helping others? I am incredibly thankful and blessed to have that opportunity.
But the most amazing thing is that God has turned our running joke about security into the biggest blessing of all. Over the last few weeks, the uncertainty of this step of faith has led not to fear, but to joy and expectation. It seems that God wants to help me in finding the blessings.
And, seemingly on a daily basis, he is miraculously reaffirming that fact.
Finding the Blessings
I’ve known a long time addiction is a deadly disease that takes lives and destroys families. Lately, the reminders—divine appointments—of this terrible tragedy are coming more frequently:
I have 5 friends who lost kids to overdose. I’ve struggled with alcohol and drugs my whole life. My son was just expelled for drinking. I don’t know what to do with my son when he gets out of rehab. I was a workaholic, and I couldn’t stop. I now lead a company, but I lived in shame for years. Why didn’t anybody try to help me?
With my experience with addiction and recovery, such comments are all too common, but they are still heart-breaking each time. It is clear that the need for a ministry that focuses on the prevention of addiction, not just recovery, is both profound and immediate.
And (thank you, God) there have been some very encouraging meetings recently—divine appointments—and they seem to be happening more and more frequently:
Every parent needs this program. I don’t see why any business would not do this. It would be a pleasure to support this ministry. How can I help you? I’d like to get some people together for you to talk to. We really need something like this, and it can make a big difference. It is an encouragement to me that you would come to me for help. No one else is doing anything like this. This is something we desperately need.
I have come to deeply appreciate finding the blessings God is bringing to this ministry. Prior trepidation about finances is outweighed by the excitement of the journey, and I think back often to what one friend told me a year ago: “You’re never safer than when you are in God’s calling.”
Question: How badly do you feel our city needs a focus on the prevention of addiction?
Action: To support the ministry, contact me at stevecward@lifeimprovementsteps.com.
Photo by nigelhowe Photo by mcaretaker