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Discovering Breakthroughs in Your Life (Part 2)

How We Experience Breakthroughs

We are meant for something more, and it’s okay for us to yearn for it. But to experience all that life is meant to be, there are things we need to understand about epiphanies and breakthroughs:

They can happen incrementally – As we grow older and move through phases in our lives, we may only experience a few big epiphanies and significant breakthroughs that dramatically change our life. Much of the time, insights happen incrementally as we go about our normal activities one day at a time.

The adventure begins when we realize that we can find epiphanies, treasures, and miracles every day! Those small steps and “Aha!” moments of insight can lead to bigger epiphanies as we see the pieces of the puzzle come together. We can “let go” of the need to control the outcome, enjoy the process, and focus on making good choices along the way.

We may discover small insights, relearn lessons, grasp new ideas, and put the pieces together over and over and realize incremental breakthroughs along the way. But we also need to remember that life-changing epiphanies can come along at any time.

God will bring them to us – Yes, God will present us with epiphanies and breakthroughs in our life! For example, if we search for community, meaning, purpose, identity, or contribution, do our part along the way, and trust God in the process, he will bring those things to us. Much of the time, we don’t have to create epiphanies, but discern them, and do our part to integrate them into our life.   

This is not what is called “prosperity theology” or a “gospel of health, wealth, and success.” But God will grant our prayers when they are aligned with his will, understanding that his timing may not be our timing, and the nature of his blessings could be different from what we expect. Recognizing God’s involvement in our life is an epiphany, and aligning with his plans is a breakthrough!

God will help us find community with others, discover meaning and purpose in our life, and embrace a personal identity that allows us to contribute to his plan on earth. He may do it a step at a time, and we must follow his lead, but they will happen. Amazing!

They are a journey – We may have heard some sayings so often that we have come to think of them as trite, but often the most profound truths in life are both simple and familiar. And as Ralph Waldo Emerson suggested, “Life is a journey, not a destination.”

As human beings, we normally focus on the positive outcomes and desirable results we want. But what matters more is what is in our heart, the direction we set for our life, and the choices we make along the way. It’s how we travel the journey that really matters. Our life is best spent in the moment, taking next right steps, and looking for epiphanies, treasures, and miracles along the way.    

Even though all of us will face trials and troubles, we are meant to find satisfaction, peace, and joy in our life. It helps when we search for epiphanies, treasures, and miracles each day and anticipate discovering breakthroughs. And enjoy the journey while we do.

They make life more complete – Many of us only experience a fraction of what life is meant to be. We focus on our short-term, selfish desires rather than adopting a broader perspective, and we toil each day consumed by activity and busy-ness we have created.

There is a simple process to help us experience breakthroughs and integrate them into our life: (a) recognize there is a bigger picture and think about our worldview; (b) determine values to set direction in our life; and (c) utilize those values to shape positive affirmations (encouraging statements we declare to be true) and use them to guide our steps.

Thinking about our worldview leads us to ask bigger questions in important areas. Being thoughtful about values takes us on a search for truth and “right-ness.” Positive affirmations keep us on track and open our eyes to the blessings all around us.

The most profound way we make life more complete is to recognize that God is real and that he loves us. Then, to declare our faith in the one and only God of the Bible and recognize that he has a calling for each of us that will make our life what it is meant to be.

They help us overcome our limitations – We can also discover breakthroughs that help us overcome limitations in our lives. For example, early-life trauma is a tragedy that can limit our well-being for our entire life. But we can encounter the epiphany—which is the truth— that we can have hope and find healing, and with God’s help, we can break through to recovery and wellness.

Dealing with trials, overcoming hurdles, and handling negative circumstances can lead us to some of our biggest breakthroughs. Realizing this to be true is a profound epiphany, and it changes our life when we learn to deal with our troubles in a positive fashion.

We overcome one of our biggest limitations when we begin actively looking for epiphanies, treasures, and miracles on a regular basis. Each day becomes a journey of adventure and discovery. Each night, we can be thankful for the breakthroughs we discover.

John’s Story (Part 2: The “After”)

John is turning 50 soon, and he is more excited about life than he has ever been! Over the last few years, he has faced a series of epiphanies that led to breakthroughs in his life. His marriage has gone to a more intimate level, and he is conscious about modeling good values with his kids. He is closer to a couple of his friends now and enjoys the deep conversations they have at times. 

John has shifted how he uses his time and has more balance in his life. He has chosen key values as anchor points of his worldview. He has adopted positive affirmations which act as self-fulfilling assurances to help keep him moving forward optimistically. Over time, those “inner voices” in his head have quieted, and he feels much more content.      

Life is much different and has more meaning for John now. He is comfortable in his identity and understands his purpose in life, and God is also his friend and guide. He wakes up with a sense of anticipation, and life often feels like an exciting journey of discovery. He finds joy in the little things and has deep appreciation for the important things. John is no longer an “average guy.”

Bringing the Story Together

I wish I could say that I intentionally pursued breakthroughs all along my journey, but for the early part of my life that wasn’t the case. But God was patient with me, and he slowly led me forward until I started to see more of the big picture about how life really works.

My early breakthroughs were largely discovered rather than the outcome of my own efforts. But over time, I learned to ask better questions, and my yearning for more and a search for the truth led me toward a series of breakthroughs that changed everything.

The impact of those breakthroughs transformed my life. Along the way, I also came to enjoy day-to-day life more because I found epiphanies, treasures, and miracles along the way. Now, my desire for control still clouds my vision at times, but the epiphany of “letting go” eventually comes back to me, and the breakthrough of serenity returns. 

What are some examples of how all of this happens in real life?

With me, they include “Aha’s!” from books and learning from others to epiphanies about the meaning of life. Treasures are everywhere, such as a song on the radio or a feeling of closeness with my wife. And miracles happen all the time from “divine appointments” with people I am supposed to meet to seeing how God works through our ministry to help people live life better. 

In future articles, I’ll share stories of how breakthroughs helped me find community, meaning, purpose, identity, and contribution in ways that altered the course of my life. The same thing can happen with anyone, and we can all learn from each other’s stories. 

In summary, what are some of the benefits of discovering breakthroughs? We can become: 

  • Less impacted and limited by our fears and insecurities.
  • Aware that leap-ahead progress is possible at any time.
  • More encouraged to develop and pursue bigger dreams.
  • Aware and tuned in to the opportunities of our choices.
  • Excited about the wonderful possibilities for the future.
  • At peace with God, thankful for his grace and blessings.
  • More joyful in the moment and grateful all of the time.
  • Happy and content when we go to bed at night. 

As you continue along your personal journey, carry this assurance with you: “You can learn to live a life of discovery!” 

It happens by taking steps in the right direction and looking for epiphanies, treasures, and miracles along the way. Over time, you will discover breakthroughs, some that occur incrementally and others suddenly, that help you see the big picture of what life is all about.

You are meant for something more, and you can find it if you look. Enjoy the journey.

Question: Who do you know that might like to discover breakthroughs in their life?

Action: Before you move on to anything else, share this article with people you know.

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