Life can seem harder and more complicated in the teenage years than it used to be. Becoming more aware of your feelings and learning how to manage them effectively can help you navigate the ups and downs of the teenage years safely and happily.
You may not see it but your friends have struggles too. They just don’t talk about it, and instead they post happy-looking pictures and videos on social media all the time. No matter how you’re feeling, know that you are not broken or alone—you’re normal!
Click the arrow to see 3 big ideas and 9 small steps you can take to keep moving in the right direction.

big idea #1:
Do you know yourself? Many people don’t recognize areas they can improve or strong points they can use. You have great worth and value, and you’ll live more happily understanding yourself. Keep clicking to see 3 steps you can take to increase your self-awareness.

1. Be aware of your emotions
Everyone has feelings—good and bad. It helps to be aware of them, but you don’t want to let emotions dictate your choices. Instead, when you feel worried or insecure, see it as a warning light and ask yourself, “Why am I feeling that way?”

2. Recognize your weak areas
All of us have areas we can improve, and that’s normal. Knowing what those areas are means you can work on them so they don’t create problems in your life. Pick one area you want to improve and one step you can take to get started.

3. Leverage your strengths
God designed you in a special way, and you have strong points that will help you make a difference in the world. Think of three things you like to do, do well, or want to learn. Then look for activities where you can apply those strengths.

big idea #2:
Sometimes teenagers focus on their problems and feel broken or alone. The reality is we all have issues. It really is okay not to be okay, but you don’t have to stay that way. The good news is there are steps you can take to help you be comfortable in your identity.

4. Realize everybody has issues
What’s on social media is not reality. Everybody has issues, worries, and things they are insecure about, but they don’t post them on Instagram or TikTok. It’s okay if you are anxious or sad sometimes—we all are—so accept that you’re totally normal.

5. Believe you have great value
You are the only person on earth with your attributes and experiences, and you have great worth exactly as you are. Your identity is that you are a child of God, and he loves you. Deep in your heart, be assured that you have value.

6. Know you have a good future
God has great plans for you. He wants you to be healthy, happy, and productive. You are on earth for a reason, and there are things you are meant to do in life. You have a good future in front of you, so keep moving in the right direction one step at a time.

big idea #3:
All of us are influenced by other people and situations. This is okay sometimes, but it can also be dangerous. You can make better choices if you pay attention to what’s around you. Keep reading to see 3 steps to develop more situational awareness.

7. Understand Warning Signs
If you’re feeling more anxious or sad, your grades are dropping, or you’re hanging around friends with bad habits, you could be moving in a dangerous direction. You can turn things around one step at a time, so choose that next right step.

8. Look out for peer pressure
When other people are doing something wrong, they may encourage friends to do those things so they feel less guilty themselves. If someone offers you a drink, pill, or weed, simply say: “No thanks.” A real friend will respect your choices.

9. Set boundaries for yourself
The only person who can protect you from bad choices is you. Be true to yourself. Respect your body, character, and future. Decide on situations, people, and behaviors to avoid. In sketchy situations say, “I have a curfew and have to leave.”