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Hi, we’re glad you’re here to learn more about STEPS. If you want the big picture view of what we do and where we’re going, you can see the 2023 Annual Report (2024 coming soon) and this overview of our 2025 strategy.

To see examples on how STEPS serves people, families, and the community, see the “STEPS Highlights” page and this short video: “Welcome to STEPS Ministries.” Watch this interesting video to see a proposed project for how STEPS canHelp Alabama Moms and Families.” To learn about our work with disadvantaged, at risk teenagers see “STEPS Life Skills Education for Underserved Teenagers” and  “Equipping Youth to Fulfill Their Potential.”

You can also see “Recent Newsletters” for accomplishments and sign up for the “Next Right Steps” blog.

See other STEPS “Who We Are” pages on the top menu to learn about our “Boards & Staff,” hear encouraging real-life “Testimonials” and “Stories, and find out what we do on “Ministry Background” and “Description.”

STEPS develops and delivers practical resources for hurting people to find help, healing, and hope, and our goals are to help people improve their lives, grow closer to God, and prevent addictions and other harmful issues.

You can learn how to live life better and find more peace, joy, and purpose. And you can do it one step at a time.

We are uniquely focused on living intentionally and effectively and preventing harmful issues before they get too serious. We take proven principles from recovery, psychology, wellness, the Bible, and personal development and teach them to people. We do that with in-person training plus content and courses delivered over the internet.

One-half of families deal with substance use or mental health issues and 90% will not get help, even though many of those problems are treatable and preventable. I know, because 3 of the 4 members of my family struggled with those issues, but we got better. Millions of other people have too, and STEPS has served thousands of them. 

Use our toolkits for Life Improvement to learn next right steps to take each day, Proactive Parenting to raise your kids to be healthy and happy, and Behavioral Health to deal with the hurts and habits we all have. These STEPS resources will bring help, healing, and hope to you and those you care about. 

Steve C. Ward, Executive Director at STEPS

Click here for an overview of what STEPS did in 2023 and our direction and strategy for 2024 as shown in our last Annual Report

Click here for an overview of what STEPS
did in 2023 and our direction and strategy
for 2024 as shown in our last Annual Report

STEPS provides practical online resources, life-changing books, and inspirational in-person and virtual training to improve your life one step at a time and help you help hurting people you know.

Select the area you need



Take practical Next Right Steps using helpful books and resources with tools for life enhancement, addiction prevention, and a daily life improvement process.

PArenting training


Learn about Proactive Parenting and use the PACES for Parents resources to keep your kids safe and happy in the often-dangerous teenage years.

Webinars & Seminars


Increase Organizational Wellness and effectiveness by helping your people be healthy, engaged, and resilient with easy, virtual webinars or in-person seminars.


Take practical Next Right Steps using helpful resources and products with tools for living life better, finding peace and joy, and a daily life improvement process.


Learn about Proactive Parenting and use the PACES for Parents resources to keep your kids safe and happy even in the dangerous teen years.


Build good habits and break chains in your life with proven and practical how-to techniques to keep issues or bad habits from becoming compulsive problems.