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2020 Survival Kit

This 2020 Survival Kit provides resources to help you and people you know better deal with issues you may face during an emergency situation, including the health crisis we are facing.

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But we should all understand that an “emergency” can take place in different ways:

  • Widespread disasters like the coronavirus pandemic that create distress for everybody.
  • A family crisis that may center on one person but also involve everyone in the family.
  • Personal issues in the lives of all of us such as stress, depression, and addiction.

As a next step, watch this 5-minute video on “STEPS for a Crisis” for 15 ways to feel better:

Dealing With Stress More Effectively

The steps in the video above will help us better deal with a crisis, but we may still be feeling stress from the coronavirus situation. The good news is that, with practice, we can learn to:

  • Reframe how we think about stress: Having anxiety is normal, and this health crisis is a good time to change how we deal with it. We can each treat this as an opportunity to take other positive steps as well, such as reconnecting with family, restarting a hobby, or taking a first step on that important project we have been wanting to do.
  • Let go of the stress of control: We can take steps to protect our family and others, but we can’t control a pandemic. We can practice letting go of our obsession with things we cannot control, then choose which positive thoughts we will focus on instead.
  • Utilize the positive coping cycle: We need to be aware of things that bring us stress. Then, pause and calmly evaluate the situation, and use coping mechanisms that work for us. For example, we can pray and meditate, take calming breaths, or go for a walk.
  • Let other people help us: If we are worried about the health crisis, or about anything else, we should talk to someone about it. Voicing our anxieties out loud can help, and talking it through with another person will almost always make us feel better.
  • Turn to God for help: We don’t know how the coronavirus situation will turn out, but we do know God is still in control, and we can turn to him whenever we feel stress. He hears us when we cry out, he comforts us in our anxiety, and he helps us get through.    

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To learn how to handle anxiety, use this Tool Kit for Dealing With Stress More Effectively.

If personal issues lead to addiction, utilize the Tool Kit for Learning More About Recovery.

Companies can improve employee well-being with a focus on Enhancing Business Wellness.

Helping the People Around Us

In addition, all of us can play a role in helping the people around us, even during a health crisis like the one we are going through together. Watch this video to see how:

Finally, we need to remember that sometimes a crisis can be the catalyst we need to focus more of our attention on helping the people around us. We can find lots of useful resources on how to do just that on the page for “How You Can Help People You Know.”

For more information on how to live life well, go to Click on the button to sign up for our weekly blog, which includes short videos and podcasts as well.

Please share this page with people you know, because many of them are struggling too.

Finally, always remember that a crisis is often when God does his best work. And know that we at STEPS Ministries wish the very best for you and those close to you.

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