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How To Find God

How do people find God? That is a profound question, but the answer is amazingly simple: to know how to find God, we simply have to look for him.

Everyone’s spiritual journey is different, but there are common ways people seem to find God:

When we are struggling. We reach out to God more readily when we face tough times. We drop our pretenses of self-control and call out from fear and pain, looking for help.

Over the last ten years, our family has dealt with addiction, depression, marriage issues, and financial problems. In the last two weeks, our son had a serious accident and friends have battled cancer and other serious issues. I don’t think I could have weathered those storms without God. He came near during those tough times, and he brought hope.

“Don’t be afraid; just believe.” (Mark 5:36)

looking for god photo

When we look to improve our lives. Each of us develops a relationship with God in our own time. Sometimes, we start out simply trying to make our lives better. Then, along the way, it occurs to us that God can play a role in our little self-improvement project.

When we question how things can get better, it opens the door for God’s whispers to reach our ears. In my late thirties, I became interested enough in God to start to read spiritual books and actually pay attention in church. Eventually, my investigations answered questions I had struggled with and opened the door for God to come in.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) 

When we think we have it all together. When things seem to be going best in our lives may be when we are most at risk. When everything is going well, and we think we have life figured out, it doesn’t occur to us that we need God in order to succeed.

In my twenties and thirties, I experimented with different life styles in an unconscious effort to figure out what life was all about. Partying, career recognition, making money, and getting married produced positive results, but did not give me the answers I sought.

“If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer) 

Even when we feel in charge, doubts may creep into our mind, such as:

  • Maybe I’m not as much in control as I thought.
  • I wonder if there is anything out there bigger than me.
  • If there really is a God, I need to find out about him.

Sometimes, simply becoming more aware of life and how it works, and doesn’t work, is a way we can look for God. If we do begin to sincerely look, we will eventually find him.

“To those who are struggling, those who are looking to improve their lives, and those who believe they have everything all together.” (STEPS: A Daily Journey to a Better Life)

How did you find God?

Action: If you are searching for God, keep reaching out, reading books and the Bible, learning from others, and talking to God—you will find him!

Photo by Lel4nd

Photo by anna gutermuth

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